
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Harper | Nine Months

aka. when my baby decided she never wanted to sit still for pictures anymore - hence this blurry photo.

Nicknames: Harpie, Harpie Bug, Harps

Weight: About 21 pounds

Height: 28 inches long! Longer than we expected!

Looks: Still looks like Daddy - everybody says so! Hair is getting longer! Eyes are still blue and hair is still blonde. Looking more and more like a little girl each day!

Personality: Such a ham - so very social. Loves everybody and everything. Sweet as pie. :)

Eating: Mostly pureed baby foods still - loves fruits and veggies!

Sleeping: Eh. Teething is the worst thing ever. Sleep is good some days, terrible other days. 

Wearing: 6-9 month clothes mostly!

Favorite Things: Eating leaves off the ground, bath time, her little tikes car at MiMi's and PeePaws, tricycle riding, holding a spatula, riding in the shopping cart, being outside

Least Favorite Things: Still those darn teeth!

Within the last month:
  • Went to your first wedding shower for Aunt Anissa
  • Had your first modeling shoot! You did AMAZING!
  • Loved being outside and riding your tricycle or in your car
  • Still kicking booty at daycare!
  • Went to your very first UGA football game! You made it through one whole quarter... :)
  • Watched mama work out every day and kept her company!

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