
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Harper | Ten Months

Nicknames: Harpie, Harpie Bug, Harps

Weight: 21-22 pounds - not totally sure since we didn't have a doctor's appointment this past month.

Height: 28 inches long as of her 9 month check-up

Looks: That hair grows longer and longer by the day - you're kinda rocking the beginning stages of a baby mullet. Everyone says you still look like daddy, which is fine with me. :) 

Personality: So social - talking with everybody at the grocery store. You're pretty outdoorsy - you love being outside in the evenings. You're busy, busy, busy.

Eating: Lots of puffs - trying out some big kid foods. Some foods are easier than others it seems, still having the pureed baby foods too.

Sleeping: Some nights are great, others are not. Several are not, but you're cute, so it's okay!

Wearing: 9 month clothes - working our way into 12 months.

Favorite Things: Bath time, baby yoga, playing outside, eating grass, listening to us sing, day care, being a wild woman.

Least Favorite Things: Not being able to eat the grass and leaves. 

Within the last month:
  • Attended and participated in your very first wedding as the flower girl for Cale and Anissa
  • Visited the pumpkin patch for the first time and looked outrageously cute
  • Played a lot outside and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather
  • We had a week off together for fall break!

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