
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Sick On Christmas Should Be Illegal

Shouldn't it though?
Harper was SO sick Christmas Eve, and as her mama - I felt completely helpless.
So while all the little boys and girls were waiting on Santa to arrive, my little babe, husband, and me were up practically all night trying to sooth our sweet girl.

We found out later that it was a double ear infection, but just knew with a 103 fever, it wasn't good.
We managed to sleep a little bit that morning, but got ready for family coming over around lunch.
She tried to be a trooper, but you could see in her face how icky she felt.

We ended up opening up our family and Santa presents after everyone left, and overall, I think Harper really enjoyed her presents and the day the best she could. After a trip to the doctor the day after Christmas, we were able to spend Christmas with my family at Whitney's apartment.

Last year's Christmas was full of no sleep and newborn cries, so we're crossing our fingers that next year will be the icing on the cake Santa cookie. :)

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