
Friday, September 2, 2016

A New Health Journey | BeachBody Coach

Exciting news around these parts, y'all.

I can honestly say, from the bottom of my heart, that throughout these last few weeks, I’ve never felt happier and more content with my own body. If you really knew me, you would know that weight has been an issue off and on throughout the majority of my life. My self-perception of myself has been a rollercoaster. I can think back to different times in my life where I felt amazing, beautiful and healthy. But I can also think back to too many memories where I felt unhappy, unpretty, and most importantly, unhealthy.

After having a little girl in December, I knew I wanted to set a precedence for her the older she got. After gaining almost 40 pounds during pregnancy, like many women, I struggled to lose the weight completely – and in all honesty – I wasn’t at a very healthy place in my life when I got pregnant. So, after struggling to lose the weight all summer, I felt that same unhappy and self-conscious feeling I had felt all too many times throughout various times in my life. So many girls nowadays struggle with self-image issues, and I was no different. Looking at my little girl, I knew it was my job as her mom to get my priorities together, and start taking care of myself. For her sake, for my marriage’s sake, for my sake.

I am lucky enough to live right across the street from my AMAZING coach. She has truly inspired me, and reached out to me to help me realize my potential and capabilities. She gave me the amazing gift of feeling healthy, happy, and confident again throughout workouts, a healthy eating plan, and just plain sweet and simple encouragement. After seeing these incredible results in my body, and feeling content and confident with my health journey, I’ve decided to take the next step as a motivational coach with Beachbody and pay the gift I was given forward to others!

Thank you for sharing in this exciting moment with me, and thank you in advance for all your support! 

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