
Thursday, October 12, 2017

She's a Wild One | Zoo Atlanta

We've been dying to take Harper to the zoo for awhile now due to her obsession and love for all things with four legs, fur, and rawr's (which is everything by the way). We wanted to wait until it was cooler for sure - these Atlanta summers can be a doozy with the heat and humidity, and walking around a zoo with crowded sweaty people - well, I'm going to pass if I can. The weather couldn't have been better the day we went - it was cool and breezy, the day before Irma was suppose to come through our area actually, so the crowds weren't bad at all. My family tagged along, which made it even more special for us. 

I've always loved Zoo Atlanta, and it played such a role in my own childhood from field trips to family outings. It's always been a fun day trip. One of the great things about Zoo Atlanta is that it's remained the same since I was little, but has also kept up with the times too. When you first walk through the gates, the gift shop is to your right, but across the path to the left is one of my favorite exhibits - the flamingos - which if you probably would have asked me 20 years ago what my favorite exhibit was, it would have been the flamingos too. Harper seemed to absolutely love them. She stared and watched. I think she could have stood there all day if we let her.

After the flamingos, we took the path to the elephants.
I love watching the elephants too, and Harper made up her mind that elephants indeed actually "rawr." Which turned out to be a common theme of the day. We worked our way through the zoo as a family, and really enjoyed seeing all the unique animals Zoo Atlanta has to offer - lions, orangutans, tiger, pandas - a must see - they're adorable!!!, gorillas - always entertaining and incredible, and so many more.

Towards the end of our trip, we stopped in the kids zone.
We popped into the petting zoo, where Harper bet/brushed every goat "dog" that the petting zoo had to offer. We even took a ride around the merry-go-round which brought out the kid in all of us adults. Harper for sure thought we were crazy. 

Our day at the zoo ended with Harper suckering MiMi into gifts from the gift shop and a late lunch back towards home. We love Zoo Atlanta and we love even more sharing it with Harps.

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