
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It was an emotional, stressful, and quite honestly - difficult - end to 2017 which has been why I've been completely absent from this little blog. But I feel so hopeful that 2018 will be one for the books, in the very best way. 

I have so much to catch up on blog wise - I hate the idea of skipping out on some of our best memories here recently despite the hardships - more on that soon. So I plan on catching up a bunch, and just sharing our everyday with y'all and for myself. This little space has watched my family grow, and my hopes for it in 2018 are the same. 

We hope everyone is having a wonderful start to their New Year, and we'll talk soon! 
For now, I leave you with a toddler's attempt at playing with confetti (be on the lookout for candy stained, sticky fingers!) and a mama's attempt at documenting the cuteness. :)

1 comment :

  1. Cutest little confetti party ever! I know 2017 has not been the easiest for you but you have handled everything that has been thrown your way with such strength and grace. I am so proud to call you my best friend! Praying for a much more joy filled 2018 ❤️
