
Monday, February 26, 2018

Valentine's Day

If I'm being completely honest, Valentine's Day is not a holiday I have typically looked forward to in the past. For no particular reason, but just not one of my favorites. And although I love my husband oh so much, we've just never been huge celebrators the day of Valentine's Day. This year wasn't any different - hello, it was a Wednesday. But I do have to say that although I haven't been a huge fan of it in the past, it's a lot more sweet and enjoyable when you have a little love bug to add into the mix.

I can't decide if her little heart sweater did the trick, or maybe her tulle skirt, but she most definitely made the day more fun. It might possibly have been the chocolate covered strawberries she sent me at work ;) (thank you my sweet husband) or all the sweet treats she brought home from school. Or maybe, it was watching her put together her very first set of valentine's for her class that put me in a lovey-dovey spirit. (I was most certainly way more excited about those than she was)

But either way, it was a sweet day with my two biggest loves.

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