
my story

Hey y'all - I'm Lauren - the girl behind the blog.
'Peachy Blues' is just a little blog about our everyday.

I love writing. I love pictures. I love this community. 
And  I love sharing our story.

Even though our story isn't full of marvelous house renovations, trendy fashion, or exotic trips - 
I always have found normal the most interesting. But, I think we're very normal and ordinary in the best way. Hopefully a way that's relatable to others. I mean heck - we ride the crazy train just as much as everybody else. Ours is just documented for the rest of the world to see. :)

Our Story

I'm married to Cody. We met my freshman year of college, and I knew the butterflies totally meant this was for the long haul. We got engaged the summer after I graduated college, and felt like we had the longest engagement known to man. But eventually, our day came two years later and it was an absolute dream. 

We bought our first house together half a year after we tied the knot in January.
And by April we found out about a little bun in the oven.
Never in a million years would I have guessed that we would have had a baby girl, but when you think you got your life figured out, God always has a different one in mind.

We welcomed our sweet girl into the world, and have fallen more and more in love with her every day. She makes life more fun and gives us a ride on the hot mess express free of charge almost daily. It's our favorite ride, though.

After having Harper, I let myself hold on to a lot of the baby weight.
I've been on my health journey for awhile now, and still am trying to find the right balance of healthy eating, working out, and eating donuts and cheeseburgers.
It's a work in progress let's say.

I'm a teacher by day and teach in the community where we live.
I've been in this blogging world for a few years now.
- formerly Peach State of Mind & Honey and Biscuits -
I've changed it a bunch. I've been inconsistent a bunch recently.
But keep coming back to it because I truly love it.

So, with this blog - it's a lot of documenting our memories as a family,
sharing my journey with health and fitness, motherhood fails and triumphs,
and hopefully a lot of good chats in between.

Glad you're here - stay awhile!

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