
Monday, June 3, 2013

All About Me

Starting out a new blog, essentially I'm writing to nobody. However, just in case somebody stumbles upon Peach State of Mind, and wonders what the blog is like, I'll continue!

A little about me...

My name is Lauren. 

That cute little thing in my arms is my sweet baby, Maci.


I got Maci when I was a junior in college. She was probably the cutest thing I had ever laid my eyes on. She is a dapple miniature dachshund. [She's wrapped around my finger.]

Speaking of college, I graduated last April with a degree in Early Childhood Education. 
 I had such a difficult time enjoying being a college graduate because I was so worried about finding the perfect teaching job. I wasn't hearing anything from public schools, so I changed my search to preschools. After scoring an Advanced Kindergarten position at the start of the school year, I taught there for almost three months before I received my dream job teaching 5th grade in October.

My very first and very OWN classroom. They say your first year teaching is your hardest. They're absolutely RIGHT. It was a struggle, but I SURVIVED! I was even offered a contract for next year, teaching 2nd grade! I'm beyond thrilled to be at my school and am so excited to teach student's shorter than me. :)
I am blessed enough to have a great support system. My family means the world to me!

Last but certainly, not least...
I'm an engaged girl. :) I have an amazing fiance' and we're getting married next year! His name is Cody, and we've been together for a little over four years. We've stuck with each other through a lot, and now we're finally in a good place. We're planning our wedding and enjoying our time together as an engaged couple.

There you have it! That should scratch the surface a little bit! I'm so excited to start writing my new blog, and can't wait to share all the exciting events and experiences in my life.

Take care y'all!

1 comment :

  1. I'm a little late to this post because I'm a newbie myself, but at least you know someone is now reading! haha!

    And I'm now your newest follower!
