
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fifty-Eight Years

Fifty-eight years seems like an eternity. 

Today marks the day my grandparents got married on June 4, 1955.
As Cody and I prepare for our marriage, I can only pray that we can look back one day on our 58 years of marriage and smile. :)

On a side note, today I'm working on my TOP SECRET "Will you be my bridesmaid?" gifts. When we originally picked our wedding date for next year, we planned on having a long engagement to give us more time to plan and save. Why I put off these bridesmaid gifts for so long, I have no idea. [Oh, that's right. Teaching took over my life. :)] So now that I'm out on summer vacation, I have all day to workout, clean, and work on fun wedding things! 

I'm also trying to think of a cute, but MANLY way for Cody to ask his groomsmen to be part of our wedding. Any ideas?

1 comment :

  1. Yes we can write to each other! And you're already getting good at this!!
