
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Boo Y'all

Happy Halloween!

This day used to be so magical when I was a kid.

Dressing up.
Running around the neighborhood with friends.
FREE candy.

Now I have to buy my own candy when I want it. 
If I knocked at anybody's door now in a Power Ranger's [Pink Ranger, of course] costume, I'd be arrested or shot. 

Cody and I bought Halloween candy last year, but SOMEBODY [Cody.] ate it all before the kid's came to our door. #HalloweenFail

Crossing my fingers that Cody decides to share this year. :)
Everybody have a safe and happy Halloween!


  1. too funny! can't wait for Halloween candy to be 50% off...aka tomorrow. best time to buy :)

    happy Halloween!

  2. That is something my husband would/has done...have fun and dress up anyways :)

  3. so pumped your engagement photos went well and LOVE the preview! Yall are too cute! by the way, I've nominated you for The Sunshine Award- The details are on my blog! Thanks Lauren! :)

  4. That picture is the cutest!! Just wanted to say that I have been loving to read your blog and have nominated you for the Liebster Award! Feel free to follow the link for details! Happy Halloween!

  5. I buy all the Halloween candy the day after Halloween and leave the lights off at my house Halloween night. I don't share well. Oops. Happy Halloween!!!!
