
Friday, November 1, 2013

Five on Friday

Friday is here!
And that means it's time for Five on Friday.
Link up with Christina at Carolina Charm and the girls to join in. 

 Thank goodness it is Friday, because this week was extremely long.
Especially trying to manage all the Halloween excitement in the classroom.
But we're all going to survive, even after the candy crash that's going to take place in the classroom today.

So here's to the weekend, and let's kick it off with Five on Friday.

Unfortunately, I'll be at work all day and not tucked into my bed, all cozy like last Friday.
 Last Friday, Cody and I had our engagement pictures, as many of y'all know.
And to my surprise this week, my photographer sent me three preview pictures from our shoot that I just can't stop looking at!

Thanks to everyone who have given enouragement about our pictures!
Y'all are too sweet :)
Can't wait to show y'all more!


 My sister, Whitney, and I made a really yummy soup this week!
I plan on posting the recipe this week to the blog, but it's totally got me craving some more.
Perfect time of the year for soup, right?

Sausage & Tortellini Soup

This has been by far my FAVORITE color of the fall season.
I may or may not have worn this color every day this week.
Ok. I did.

My new scarf from Charming Charlie was totally the inspiration.


Tomorrow, Cody and I originally planned to head down to Jacksonville for the World's Largest Cocktail Party. Free tickets and all.

However, Cody can't take the day off since he started a new job a few weeks ago. I was hesitant to use another personal day, after I took one last Friday for our pictures. Not to mention it might look pretty suspicous to take the day after Halloween off. "No, Ms. Principal. I was not up late, drinking at a Halloween party. Why would you think that?" That's how I imagine that conversation going. Plus, there are some other things coming up by the end of the year, that I may need a personal day for.

It just seems illogical to get to Jacksonville by 10 PM tomorrow evening, spend all day at the game Saturday, and leave Sunday morning early. 

As much as I HATED to make the decision, I know realistically, it's for the best.
But I promise y'all, we're already making plans for next year!

So if you need me on Saturday, I'll be pacing my living room, yelling at the TV, and cheering on my Dawgs. Cause I'm a born and raised GATOR HATER.


We had a very low key, but fun Halloween last night.
Here's what it looked like.

Cody is obsessed with Batman.
He thought it would be hilarious to add his life size figure to the front porch.
Yes, I let him.

And then we carved pumpkins!

[No, we're not expecting twins. The two baby pumpkins are for Hank and Maci. Duh.]

Finally, the babes got to wear their Halloween costumes!

Maci: Candy Security
Hank: Pirate
Whitney's dog, Harry: "Rufferee"


Hope everybody had a fun Halloween, and an even better weekend! 

Go Dawgs! 


  1. Love the pictures of your dogs - so cute, I'm a dog mom too :) Have a great weekend!

  2. Your engagement photos are beautiful!! Cant wait for the soup recipe!! Happy Friday!

  3. Your pictures look so amazing!! I can't wait to see more of them! I am having a post-Halloween hangover today (not a real one, I promise!!), but I hope your class isn't experiencing the same thing. Have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. too too cute! all of it! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Your engagment pictures look beautiful and I love that scarf color for fall. I have quite the Charming Charlie scarf collection myself. Happy Friday!

  6. Ahh! My first year as a teacher no one warned me about the day after Halloween. It was a shocker!
    Love that scarf!!!

  7. Beautiful engagement photos! I'm a new follower :) Can't wait to follow along!

  8. I love your puppy costumes! I hope my (one day) dog will love to wear them, I just LOVE a puppy in a costume!

  9. doggie costumes made me laugh out loud! too funny.

    also loving maroon this season...such a pretty color! have fun watching the game tomorrow!!

  10. I am all about maroon too it's popping up all over the place!

  11. Your engagements are beautiful! They remind me of mine with that gorgeous sun! You guys are adorable :)

    Stopping by from the 5 on friday

  12. First time reader from the linkup. I love your pictures! My husband is also obsessed with Batman, and I can't decide whether to show him this or not - he might be super jealous lol
    Also, loving the scarf!

  13. awwww your puppppiiiesssss! TOO CUTE!! Love the Batman pictures, ha!

  14. Your sneak peek is incredible!! EEK!! And love your pooches! Happy Weekend! XOXO

  15. Hi! Popping over from Five on Friday. Gorgeous engagement shots! I hope you are having a blast at the cocktail party. Sounds awesome!
    Amy @

  16. Your engagement pictures are beautiful. Totally love the pups too.
    game day dresses
