
Friday, November 8, 2013

Five on Friday

It's Friday.
We made it y'all.
[Even if I'm not sure how]

So naturally, since it is Friday, Christina at Carolina Charm is hosting the weekly Five on Friday link-up with the rest of the ladies.


I am BEYOND proud of my little sister, Whitney, for her accomplishment this week.
She landed a killer [no pun intended. ok. pun intended. I couldn't help myself] internship for her criminal justice/forensics major.

The county she'll be interning with is the same county I teach for, but also is a pretty big county, with a lot going on. She'll get so much experience, and be way ahead of the game when it comes to her graduating class.

Proud big sister right here.


Did we all forget that we have Thanksgiving to celebrate before Christmas?
I mean HELLO.
Show the Pilgrims some respect.
Until I trace my hand for a Thanksgiving finger turkey, I can't put up Christmas decorations.

But our little town doesn't feel the same way. 
Driving through our main strip, Christmas lights hang from the telephone poles!

I love Christmas just as much as the next person, but I need a healthy dose of pecan pie and turkey first. 
Ok, call me contradicting.
After I just bashed pre-Christmas celebrating, I couldn't help but fall in love with these Christmas card prints I found on Southern Weddings.

They even gave me an idea for our save the dates going out in December :)


Our weekend plans are non-existent. 
Normally we have plans.
Normally we have somewhere to be.
But this weekend, we don't.

I guess we're just going to go with the flow.
We'll watch the Georgia game - we're both drained after this week for some reason, so we aren't going to go.
But other than that, we're free.

So if y'all want to hang out with these two bums, we're available ;)


I've been so surprised at the number of blog followers I've received over the last couple of weeks!

When I started this blog back in June, I was excited when I had two followers.
I was shocked when I hit ten.
My goal was 50 by the end of the year.
Now, at 64 followers, I'm completely stunned.
Stunned that 64 people care what I have to say.
I write this blog to keep up with my own memories, and share what's going on in my life with my family. Never did I think so many people would join in on my life journey.

So thank you.
For making me feel like I have some good things to say.
For relating your life to mine.
And for not unfollowing me after I post six million pictures of Maci. :P

Make it six million and one.

Happy Friday!


  1. Love your cute little dog! And I always love finding Georgia fans (I went to Clemson and feel like we need to gang up on big bad USC!). Happy Friday!

  2. Look at you go Miss Popular Blogger!! We are free tonight if y'all wanna do something!

  3. I am normally all about waiting until after Thanksgiving to put up Christmas decorations, but for whatever reason this year I am just soooo ready for Christmas! I will resist the urge this weekend, but I wont make any promises about next weekend! My think is that it takes a lot of time and effort to put everything up, so I want to enjoy as long as possible. December 26 that crap must come down immediately! Go Dawgs!

  4. What a sweet puppy!! And yes why do we totally skip Thanksgiving?!?!? LOVE those cards I am for sure going to have to check into those :)

  5. Yes yes yes on the pecan pie and turkey ... I'm all about giving Thanksgiving it's due diligence! While I mayyy be guilty of having the occasional Christmas radio station on, no decorations come out until after turkey day!

    Thanks for linking up with us :) Have a great weekend!

  6. enjoy your low key weekend! Sometimes it's so nice to just veg out :)

  7. I'm excited for the holidays too. As much as I love Christmas, I'm not digging the rush to get there before we've even celebrated Thanksgiving.

  8. have a fun weekend being lazy and relaxing :)!

  9. I follow you just for Maci! JK! :) Have a nice relaxing weekend!!

  10. Those Christmas cards are adorable & congratulations in the followers!

  11. Your dog is so adorable! I love Thanksgiving but am more excited about Christmas! I actually asked my hubs tonight if we could take down our fall decorations and start putting up the Christmas ones. He looked at me like I was insane! Hope you enjoyed your nice relaxing weekend!
