
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

Here in the Peach State, we're freezing our little buns off with some very, out of the ordinary, twenty-degree weather. But instead of complaining about it being too cold, today we're giving thanks for the blessings of a new day, and all the wonderful gifts that God has placed in front of us.

There are so many things in my life that I need to be thankful for, that sometimes get overlooked by a bad day or a difficult circumstance. 

So for today, I'm focusing on what I'm thankful for, and I hope you do the same throughout your day. :)

I can't believe I get to marry this guy in just a few shorts months!
How lucky am I?
He's my best friend.

My family.
Despite how crazy they can be, I adore every one of them.
I wouldn't be who I am today without them.

My fur babes.
Maci and Hank bring so much joy into our house.
Life wouldn't be complete without their little wet noses.

My soon-to-be family.
Cody's family has been nothing but kind since we started dating.
I'm so blessed to be gaining a family that is so warm and welcoming.

 My friends.
Lots of love and laughter.

It isn't always the easiest job.
I normally work more than eight hours a day.
But the learning and hugs from my second graders make it all worthwhile.

I'm thankful I'm alive and healthy, and so are my family and friends.

  My home.
Sometimes I find myself looking at all the things that need decorating or fixing, and not the fact that I have a roof over my head and groceries in the fridge.

And although the list could go on and on, one last thing I am thankful for is...

I absolutely love blogging, and I'm so glad I worked up the courage to start Peach State of Mind. I love sharing my life with y'all, and in return, you sharing your life with me.
I'm so thankful for the sweet ladies I've met through the blog world, and can't wait to see what the future has in store for Peach State of Mind!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Sweet post :) Happy Thanksgiving!! Just think next Thanksgiving you two will be MARRIED! Have a great day, girl!
