
Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Thanksgiving Break


Oh, Monday.
Here you are again.
I'm not so thrilled.
I don't have the entire week off like last week, making it even more difficult to work up the motivation to go back to work.
Is it okay to countdown to Christmas Break?
15 school days, if I'm counting.
Which I am.

 I'm kinda going to cheat when it comes to this week's Weekend Shenanigans.
I consider my entire week break a GIANT weekend.
So here we go.

Wednesday, I headed back home to help my Nannie and mom get ready for Thanksgiving. 
Thanksgiving was at my mom's house this year, so I wanted to help any way I could.

Whitney and I headed over to my grandparent's house first, helping Nannie prepare her WORLD FAMOUS [almost] coleslaw. It's kind of a tradition now to help Nannie make it. Nannie bought us cute aprons, made us lunch and even let me grate my finger off with a cheese grater. Thanks Nannie. :)

Then it was back home to help my mom, and prepare the desserts Whitney and I promised to bring to Thanksgiving. Not going to lie, Whitney totally did all the work. Maci may have contributed a tad bit, as well!

I'll share the recipe we used for the DELICIOUS pecan pie we made sometime before Christmas.

Finally, it was the big day.
Thanksgiving at last.
Time for the three F's - family, food and football.


We capped off our week with a sweet visit with Brittany, Will and baby Luke.
And cheered on the Dawgs to a 2OT win over Tech. Go Dawgs!

I hope your weekend and Thanksgiving were fabulous!
23 days until Christmas to help you get through this Monday :)

A genius idea hit me over my break.
If you've read my blog for any length of time, or even if you just read for the first time today, you know just how picture crazy I can get. 
Don't act too shocked y'all.

With 2013 coming to a close, I LOVE looking back as to how the year went.
What did I do back in January? February?
What were some of the highlights?

And then it hit me.
A link-up!


Starting Thursday, I'll be hosting the "Cheers to a New Year" link-up!
The idea behind the link-up is to recap the year 2013, highlighting your most memorable moments, three months at a time.

For example:

December 5th - January, February, March
December 12th - April, May, June
December 19th - July, August, September
December 26th - October, November, December

***I'm looking for a couple bloggers, who have followed my blog, who would love to co-host "Cheers to a New Year" along with me! 
I'll fill you in on more of the details, and we will work it out so you can post the link-up on your blog, as well! Let me know if you are interested by commenting, or emailing me at .

I can't wait to share my year with y'all, and I hope many of you join in on the fun, saying goodbye to 2013, and hello to many more memories in 2014!


  1. I'd love to host with you... :)
    So glad you had a great Thanksgiving!

  2. You're so cute! I will co-host with you if you want!

  3. I'm up for co-hosting as well friend! :)

  4. Ow!! Grater to the finger!!! I would link up with you but I didn't start blogging until the end of May. So not sure if I qualify!!

  5. Love the apron!! You are too cute!

  6. Such a cute idea for the link-up :).
