
Monday, December 30, 2013

It's A Wrap [Christmas 2013]

We finally wrapped up with Christmas, and although it's normally one of my favorite holidays, I'm glad it's behind us. 

I loved all the encouraging words and emails from all my lovely blog friends, and really writing my feelings out about my Grinchy attitude truly helped. But I did feel a huge sense of relief once all the presents were passed out and all the family gatherings were finalized.

Here's a few pictures [Is it really ever just a few with me? Of course not.] of the festivities.
Christmas Eve morning I decided to wake up early with my little fur babies, wrap some last minute gifts [Ok - All of them. Just call me Miss. Procrastinator] and watch my all time favorite Christmas TV show "The Year Without a Santa Claus." What can I say? It's my childhood.

That evening, we headed over to my mom's house for Christmas Eve.


On Christmas, we went to Cody's parent's house, and then headed over to his Aunt's house for his family's Christmas. Like I mentioned in a previous post, it was our first Christmas focusing on Cody's family rather than all mine. And I have to say that it was extremely relaxing not having to rush around. So overall, good choice by us. [We were able to spend the day with my grandparents for a post-Christmas lunch last Friday to make up for it.]

We ended Christmas evening opening our presents at our house with Hank and Maci. It was the absolute perfect ending to our Christmas!

This was Hank photobombing our picture. If you can't tell.

Maci was pooped after playing with her new she just laid on it.

Hope y'all had a very merry Christmas!
Now onto New Years!


  1. Cute Christmas picture of y'all! It sounds like it was a good Christmas

  2. Sounds like a great Christmas! Love Maci's sweater!

  3. AH! I Love your dachshund! and your ring is similar to mine :) Looks like you had a great Christmas :)


    I am hosting a Weekend Recap and would love for you to be a part of it

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  4. Hi Lauren! New follower here. Just thought I'd say hi. Cute post and great pictures! Hope you had a great Christmas as it sure looks like you did. Look forward to your future posts and pictures. Hope you'll stop by my blog and follow along as well :)

  5. awesome pics. love the ones of the dog. and not b/c i'm a dog lover either. hehe. Hope it was a great one.

    Come check it out. and let me know your input. It would mean alot. Thanks.

  6. Love hanks photobomb!! Gotta love our pups! Never know what they're going to do ha! Great pictures!!

  7. Love the pup pics! I hope yall have a great new years eve!!

  8. I love that wrapping paper! I couldn't find it at my Target!
