
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cheers to a New Year {October.November.December}

It's finally the last installment of our "Cheers to a New Year" link-up!
We've looked back on the first nine months of 2013, sharing our favorite moments, and now we're wrapping up with October, November & December.

Thank you to all the sweet, lovely ladies who have linked up with us throughout the month of December! It has been so fun saying goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014 with y'all!

There's only a couple rules to the link-up...
 You can link-up today, even if you haven't yet before. [The more the merrier!]
Link back with me or my four lovely co-hosts in your post.
Add the "Cheers to a New Year" button.
And last but not least - click around the link-up to make new friends!

My lovely co-hosts...
Ashley @ A Thousand Words

And don't forget to grab the button!
Peach State of Mind

Now get to it ladies :)



We kicked October off right by heading up to Knoxville for the Georgia vs. Tennessee game.
Back when my whole world revolved around Georgia football, away games were some of my favorites. So it was nice to do it again, especially when the Dawgs win!

We took our engagement pictures!

 And we kicked it at home with our pups for Halloween.



Although we couldn't make it to the game, we had fun watching Georgia beat Florida!
It's great to be a GATOR HATER!

We spent some time with my grandparents.


Had a girls night/90's sing-a-thon.

Cheered on the Dawgs in Athens for the last home game against Kentucky!


And capped off November with Thanksgiving at my mom's house!


December was SO SO SO busy with work, it was hard to have time to do much of anything.
Cody had his wisdom teeth out, and I barely squeezed in some Christmas tree decorating.

Whitney and I even helped my Aunt Esther with her tree.


I FINALLY got a new engagement ring that has so far [crossing my fingers] stayed together and actually fits. I miss my first ring, but I do loooove this one. :)

And although the Christmas season was a little off this year in our family, we still managed to squeeze in a few good moments.

{More Christmas pics to come...}

That's a wrap folks.
We're counting down the final few days of 2013.

It's amazing how fast time flies by, and it's easy to get lost in what's ahead of us instead of cherishing the moments we're in. 
So in 2014, capture the moments. 
Even the small ones. 
So you can look back this time next year, and know you made each one count. :)

Here's to 2014!
Cheers y'all!


  1. Love this!! And your ring is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  2. You're so pretty girl! And your ring is beyong gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  3. Go Dawgs!! It's great finding another Georgia blogger! Did you make it to Jake, Luke, and Jason last April? And your ring is gorgeous!
