
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Our Last Christmas

Although I did some whining and complaining yesterday, 
 [ which I have to admit, totally made me feel better getting it all out and reading so many encouraging words] I know this Christmas is special despite all the small glitches we've been experiencing. 
This is the last Christmas Cody and I will be spending together as an unmarried, technically "single" couple.  How crazy is that!?! 
 This time next year, we'll have been married for half a year.
I can't believe it.
So for today, I thought it would cute to look back at the last four Christmases, as a dating/engaged couple, and get ready for Christmas #5 - our last one before we are husband & wife. 
Christmas 2009
Our first Christmas together.
Back when we were babies!

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2012

Our first Christmas living together. Our first tree. Our first Christmas engaged!

Here's to Christmas #5!
Merry Christmas Eve y'all!


  1. Merry Christmas Eve! Enjoy your last "single" Christmas together! :)

  2. SO much love! Merry Christmas Eve lady!! Enjoy this time together :)

  3. Merry Christmas!! You're soo pretty and I lovelovelove your blog. :) I'm now following you!!

    If you're interested, follow me back!

    a Classy State of Grace

  4. Merry Christmas (sorry I'm late)! Love the Christmas recap. Congratulations on your engagement and soon-to-be wedding!!! How exciting!!!!
