
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Christmas Tree

Last Tuesday, Cody and I picked out our Christmas tree!

I think this has to be my favorite Christmas tradition.
I love braving the cold. Walking through the isles of trees. Smelling the piney fragrance. 
It just screams, "CHRISTMAS IS HERE!"

Last Tuesday, we definitely had to brave the cold...and the rain.
We've been drenched with rain for the last week [not even exaggerating].
We rushed the picking a tree process, just so we could get out of the cold and rain, but we found a BEAUTIFUL tree that I'm completely in love with.

Our Engagement Ornament
I made this ornament with my 5th grade class last year. Eventually, I want a separate small tree in my house of all the different ornaments I have made with all my classes over the years!

When the tree goes up, it's officially Christmas!

What's your favorite Christmas tradition y'all?


  1. What a gorgeous tree! I'm impressed that you braved not just the cold but the rain too for that one.

  2. Beautiful tree. Great pics too! ALso, I love the homemade ornaments.

  3. Your tree is beautiful! And I love the puppy pictures!

  4. So beautiful! Maybe one year I will get brave enough to get a real one, definitely swooning over yours!

  5. aww your dog is so cute. Our family tradition is to watch A Christmas Story on Christmas eve.

  6. Pup and lights! Glitter ball! EEE! So much perfection!!! Love it, girlie!!! xx

  7. Love the little snowman AND the engagement ornament! I think you should totally have another tree for your class ornaments--such a great idea! One of our traditions is getting ugly ornaments and putting them in each others stocking throughout the Christmas one wants to be the person that ends up with the ugly ornaments :)

  8. So pretty!!! Love the engagement ring ornament!!

  9. We normally chop our tree down but it was just too dang cold! I am happy to have our tree in the house now!

  10. I love all your ornaments and puppy with lights pictures! So cute!

  11. Soooo pretty!! Trimming he tree is one of my top favorite Christmas traditions!

  12. Gahh! Love your tree, that engagement ornament is adorbs! I love all the glitter too;)

  13. Your tree looks so pretty! I love that engagement ornament!
