
Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Cozy on the Couch

Probably the most uneventful weekend of the year.
But it was also probably one of the best.

Cody got his wisdom teeth out Friday morning, so I took the afternoon off to get back home to him as quickly as I could. His sweet mama looked after him and got him everything he needed until I got there.

Surprisingly, he was doing a lot better than I thought he would.
He did a lot better than I thought he would all weekend actually.

Cody might hate me for saying this, but when he doesn't feel good, he isn't the most pleasant person to be around. [Sorry honey :) ] So, I had overly prepared my patience meter.
But I prepared for nothing. He has been the best patient to take care of. 
Overly sweet and overly thankful for everything I have helped him with.

We did a lot of laying around on the couch, watching football and cuddling with our fur babies.

Minus the surgery and the wisdom teeth, it was the perfect simple weekend.

 Link-up with Sami for your Weekend Shenanigans! 


Just a reminder folks.
"Cheers to a New Year" link-up will be Thursday December 12th!
Link-up opens at 7 AM.

This week we're looking back at all our memorable moments in April, May & June of 2013!
Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

*You can still link-up from last week's link-up here until Wednesday.
We looked back at January, February & March!

See y'all Thursday!


  1. aww that is the sweetest picture! I am sure you were a great nurse!

  2. HEY! New follower, great blog! I love your design. Just wanted to say HEY! Hope you'll swing by and visit mine.

    Also, glad the wisdom teeth went a-okay!
    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

  3. When my husband had his pulled, he was out for a week, I had one of mine pulled and went to work that same glad it wasn't bad on him! Love cozy weekends home, sometimes those are my favorite!

  4. Those boys really can be a handful when they get sick... haha I'm glad your man was such a good patient and you two were able to get some rest and relaxation in this weekend!

  5. Sometimes you just need a simple weekend!

  6. I hope he feels better soon, I had my wisdom teeth out when I was in High School and it was Nooooooo fun

  7. Glad everything went well! I really need to get on my game for the link up!

  8. WhenI got my wisdom teeth removed it was THE WORST! Not only did I do it in two separate surgeries (thanks mom & dad) but the second time I got dry socket. Worst.pain.ever! And the medication they use for it forever ruined Chai lattes for me!

  9. Hiii!!! Stopping by from the link up and your Happy New Year review link up looks like a lot of fun! Can't wait to link up later this week.

  10. Love your sweet blog!!! I am just catching up on comments from Friday & am so glad you stopped by over at mine!
    I saw your "Cheer's to the New Year" Blog & will HAVE to link up this week...GREAT idea!!!
    Looking forward to following along! Happy Monday, Love!

  11. I can't believe its almost new years! Wow this year flew by! Just found your blog through Sami's Shenanigans

    I'm having a Weekend Recap linkup on my blog ! Would love for you to be a part of it :)

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