
Friday, January 3, 2014

Five on Friday

It's been awhile since I have linked up with the Five on Friday ladies and with today being my last day of winter break, [crying...] I thought it would be the perfect day to jump back into the madness.


Do you see this planner?
Cute right? Yeah, I bought it. 
Where is it?
At Target.

STUPID me bought this adorable Sugar Paper planner, along with some new pens & eyeliner yesterday, and walked right out of the store bagless. 
I had one bag to grab, and I failed.

Luckily, the store still has my bag and I have to drive an hour to go pick it up.
So goal #1 for 2014 - START USING MY BRAIN. :)


Next Sunday we have an appointment with our wedding cake lady.
With our venue, the cake was included in the price, so there wasn't much "shopping around" for a cake baker. But from what I've seen in pictures and read from reviews, she does a pretty good job.

I have to bring pictures, and I'm still having a hard time deciding what exactly I like.
Here's what I'm debating between...

I'm quite the flower fanatic, so our wedding cake obviously won't be without.
But I guess I'm just deciding on the style, color, icing... 
Better make my mind up in the next week!


This video "Joseph's Wish" really reached out to me.
The Georgia Football team & Make-A-Wish got together to help Joseph's dream come true - becoming a Georgia football player. 

It makes me proud to be a Dawg and proud to know that people are making a difference, even in the smallest ways. Something we all could try to do in 2014.

The end made me tear up, I have to admit. :)


Mason at Mason...Like The Jar has been/is hosting the cutest project on Instagram.
She started this project awhile ago, but I discovered it just this week and thought it was an awesome idea.


A different blogger takes over The Blog Baton instagram account for the day, sharing their day and all the fun activities that they do on a daily basis. It's a great way to get attention to your blog, and a fun way to meet new bloggers!

You can read more about it here and also sign up by emailing her at

Peach State of Mind is already signed up!


With my birthday coming up on Tuesday, there's never much I want right after Christmas.
Ok. Yes there is. I always want something.
But there are a few big items that are on my birthday wishlist.
WISHlist. Not completely realistic, but hey :) The birthday fairy may love me this year!


Hope y'all have a fun weekend!
First one in 2014 - make it count!


  1. Mmmm cake.. you know what those pictures do to this pregnant lady?!?! If you need a tasting buddy you know where to find me. They're all so pretty! I love the icing on 1, the flowers and jute on 2, the colors on 3 and the flowers on 4 are my favorite! Again, do you know what that video does to a pregnant lady?? Cue waterworks at my desk. And you figured out how to make a board! You are becoming so blog saavy!

  2. i love that last cake! gorgeous! happy weekend. :)

  3. That's too funny about leaving your bag at Target... been there, done that! Yay for January birthdays, mine is Wednesday!! I always hate asking for things since its right after Christmas but at least its a good excuse to remind your hubs that Santa forgot something... :) Happy early Birthday!!

  4. Hahaha too funny about leaving your bag behind! Coming over from the link your wish list and happy almost birthday! Have a great weekend!!

  5. I got those boots and love them! Also got Naked 3 for Christmas and I am having fun with it. A lot more pink shades than I thought but still pretty great!

  6. I had a camera strap (just one!) on my Christmas list this year and my mom went a little crazy and got me a few of them. They're so perfect! It's great to have a place to put my lens cap now. Hope the monogrammed one finds its way to you on your birthday!

  7. I love sugar paper I bought their wall calendar & love it!

  8. Love the planner. I bought the same one :) It was the second planner I bought, the husband says no more. I'm good with my final decision. Love everything on your birthday list!! Happy Early Birthday!!

  9. Bless your heart!! At least the store has the bag for you!! LOVE the colors that are in that cute planner!! Yayyy, for cake tasting AND your birthday coming up!!!

  10. Happy almost birthday and I CANNOT wait to hear about the cake appointment! (love getting to live all of this again by following you haha)

  11. Gorgeous cake choices! I especially love the top right. For our wedding cake we had a simple buttercream design and flowers from my florist that matched the bouquets draped down it. You need that naked 3 and fossil watch. I got them both for Christmas and LOVE them!

  12. I held the Blog Batton back in October and had the best time doing it! You'll have so much fun when it's your turn!!

  13. Good luck finding your perfect wedding cake!! it's a tough job, but someone has to do it. :)

  14. Our cake was so similar to that! Also, I love everything on your wishlist! No matter the season, I always have a little wish lit going. Thankfully pinterest makes it easy to keep up with!

  15. I love those wedding cakes! I've been watching TLC's bridal day marathon all day, so I've been been planning the wedding I'm not yet engaged for all day :) I'm sure your cake will be perfect!

  16. All of those cakes are GORGEOUS. I had the hardest time picking out our cake. I didn't want anything super fancy since we had a beach wedding. In the end I ended up going with 3 different cakes and they were all a hit. I didn't get the naked palette for Christmas so I'm going to buy it for myself!

  17. I'm definitely going to check into that blog baton. Looks like a fun time!


  18. Your cake options are so pretty! I love the ombre icing one! Gorg! And your bday wish list is right up my ally! I actually just ordered a very similar camera strap, you should check out her etsy site. Lots of cute fabric options!
    Have a fabulous weekend!!

  19. Gorgeous cakes. My favorite is the top right.

  20. Ah, those cakes! I'm torn, too. All of those look amazing, I think it kind of depends on your wedding theme/style :) And yeah, birthday wishlists aren't supposed to be realistic!

    jess | Quaintrelle

  21. #1-totally me. Do it often.
    #4-love this idea! Definitely looking into it!
    #5-the gold monogram necklace was one of my Christmas presents-love it. Such a statement piece!
    AND happy early birthday!!
