
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Hello 2014 [New Year's Recap]

Well, the holidays are officially behind us.
Now, we look to the new year in front of us with hopeful hearts and many goals and resolutions to accomplish. 

After Cody having to work on New Year's last year, I was so excited to be able to actually spend it with my fiance. With 2014 being a huge year for us, I wanted to make sure we spent it together. 

We headed over to my mom's house New Year's Eve to celebrate the New Year in a relaxing fashion. We ate yummy food, played some fun games as a family & watched the Peach Drop in Atlanta. 

 I couldn't have asked for a better, more relaxing and fun night!
 [My family may hate me for posting some of these pictures...LOVE Y'ALL!




And then there's the day after...

Happy New Year!


  1. I love the dogs and their hats! Happy New Year!

  2. Looks like such a great time! Happy New Year!

  3. You are going to be such a gorgeous bride!

  4. It's WEDDING YEAR!!!!! Holy frick, how exciting is that? I can't believe it and I KNOW you can't! :) We'll both be brides THIS year! AH! :)

  5. Yay for Wedding Year!!! So much excitement ahead :) Also dying laughing at the doggie party hats...seriously the best!

  6. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun! Peach Drop has always been one of my favorite things about Atlanta, one year I made the mistake of being downtown for it, haha never again!

  7. It looks like you had so much fun together bringing in the New Year!
