
Friday, February 14, 2014

Five on Friday {Valentine's Day Edition} + #TeamTeddy

In honor of Valentine's Day, my normal Five on Friday with Christina & the ladies will be filled with ooey, gooey, mushy love stuff.
That's right. Go ahead and throw up.

But before we start the regular Five on Friday [I'm cheating a little bit - Six on Friday?], we're all rooting for Team Teddy! We're spreading the word about Menkes Syndrome, also known as "kinky hair syndrome." {a rare genetic disease that affects approximately 1 in 450,000 male babies} You can find Teddy's story here.

With this being our last Valentine's Day as a "dating" couple, I'm letting my sappy feelings fly.

Here are the top five reasons why I love my fiance, Cody. :)


He does "the little things."
Like kiss my forehead. Treat me to a nice foot rub or back massage.
Hug me unexpectedly. Or buy me a surprise diet Dr. Pepper for my school day with a sweet note attached. << Major brownie points there. :)
All the those little things that seem so simple, sometimes mean the most.
He makes me laugh.
Sounds so cliche. But it's true.
I couldn't ever imagine being with somebody who doesn't make me laugh, and this guy does it on the regular. He is so silly and goofy, and I know I can be the same in return. I love it. 
Even the pterodactyl noise. ;)

He encourages me.
When I lose faith in myself, he's there to lift me up.
I can always count on him for an encouraging word or hug to inspire me to persevere through anything. 


He's hardworking and persistent.
I've seen Cody grow into an incredible man, who wants to make something of himself to provide for us and our future family. There have been a lot of ups and downs in the last five years career wise, but he has always followed his heart and it has finally led him to where he is today.

He strengthens our relationship with God.
One of my FAVORITE things to watch and listen to Cody do is pray.
I admire his comfortableness and sincerity when he talks to God, and I always wish I could be just like him. I have always loved Cody's beliefs on love and marriage. And more importantly, his desire to raise a family with the same core values.
 Hopefully everybody survived the mushy, gushy talk and can link-up with the Five on Friday ladies!

Have a very Happy Valentine's Day. :)


  1. You two are adorable! Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I LOVE this post! What a great way to celebrate this holiday, right? Stopping by from the link up! Loving your blog, girl! And those pictures of you two are gorgeous!! xo

    Khala @ The Birdie Bowl

  3. This is so sweet! Love this post! Happy weekend!!

  4. Picture #2 & #3 look like they were made to be cut out into a heart. Hope y'all enjoy your last Valentine's Day before your wedding!

  5. Sounds like you have a keeper there - but then you already know that! Happy Valentine's Day!!

  6. Hi there! Stopping by from the link up. What sweet pics of you & your future hubby! Happy Valentine's Day :)


  7. Visiting from the link up. Very sweet post!

  8. I bet this post put a huge smile on his face! I feel mushy and gushy this valentine's day too lol You're engagement pictures are amazing btw! (I'm guessing that they are engagement ones) Have a great weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. These things may be cliche but they are still incredibly important. Especially having a man with such a strong faith at the core of your marriage and family. Y'all's pictures are beautiful!

  10. Sometimes the mushy posts are a must. Cute photos, and y'all are an even cuter couple!
    Stopping by from Friday Five! Have a Happy Valentines Day!

  11. Very sweet. Adorable couple you two make! :) Happy Valentines Day to you both!

  12. So darn sweet, thank you for linking up with us ... I love everything mushy-gushy about Valentines Day (and Cody is a catch!) and I also appreciate the #TeamTeddy support! XO!

  13. You guys are a GORGEOUS couple!! Love all of these photos!

  14. Seriously you two are the cutest and all those pictures are just perfect! Happy Valentines Day!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Finding your blog through the linkup and I cannot wait to start following you on GFC! This is my last Valentine's day as an unmarried gal too and it is so exciting! Can't wait to read your blog, you are adorable! Hope your day is filled with extra love and smooches! Xx.

  17. Cure idea for your post! You guys are a cute couple :) Happy Valentine's Day!

  18. Thank you for joining #TeamTeddy and helping us spread the word about Menkes! xoxo
    PS-You have GREAT hair.

  19. Stop it this is too precious!!! Your hubs is a lucky man! :)

  20. LOVE the heart pictures sweet!!!!! xx

  21. SO glad you found my blog, because yours is precious (you and your fiance are pretty much the cutest) and I'm so glad to be your newest follower!
