
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Liebster Award [x2]

Hey y'all... I don't know about you, but we're a little snowed & iced in over here.
It's been a crazy few days, having no school - once again - and I'm pretty much ready for some sunshine and warm weather. Aren't we all...

But I saw today, that sweet Jessica over at Shine nominated me for a Liebster Award!
{ Thank you so much :) } 
 I'm always flattered when Peach State of Mind gets nominated because it lets me know that somebody out there likes what they're reading. I know a lot of other sweet bloggers have nominated Peach State of Mind for Liebster Awards recently, and I just haven't gotten to them or have posts already scheduled. Please don't hate me... But I do appreciate everyone's kindness and I really do feel so flattered when I'm nominated. So thank you!

You can find our first nomination post here. :)

Since I am snowed/iced in, I have extra time on my hands today, I thought it would be fun to take another shot at the Liebster Award today, and hopefully spread the word about some new blogs that you may not have heard of just yet!

Here's how it works incase you didn't know...

The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to celebrate other bloggers. It's passed down from one blogger to another, as long as the blogger has less than 200 followers. If you choose to accept the nomination, here are a few rules to follow:

1.  Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
2. List 10 facts about yourself.
3. Create 10 new questions.
4. Nominate 5-10 bloggers with less than 200 followers.

 Simple right?
So here we go...

Questions from Jessica:

1. What is your favorite season and why?


It's warm. It's sunny. 
Sun dresses, shorts & flip flops are the ultimate comfort clothes.
Trees are green. Flowers have bloomed.
Crickets chirping at night.
Southern summer nights - there's nothing like them.

Oh, and I don't have to work.
Perks of being a teacher. ;)
2. What would are your top 3 favorite songs right now?

1. When She Says Baby - Jason Aldean
2. Automatic - Miranda Lambert
3. Drink a Beer - Luke Bryan
3. Vacay in Hawaii or Alaska why?

Hawaii - This winter has pretty much verified my short-term love for snow.
Beaches for me.

4. If you could stay a certain age forever, what would it be and why?

I have the job I worked so hard for. I finally have settled into my roll as a teacher.
I'm engaged to my best friend. I'm getting married this year.
Who knows what else is in store for us this year! 

5. If you could choose anyone to be your mentor, who would it be and why?

Miranda Lambert!
I need her coaching me in confidence and ability to kick some ass & not give a crap attitude.
Plus, her motivation to get that new hot bod!

6. What story always comes up about you as a child?

Clogging a toilet and letting it overflow because I was too scared to tell my mom.
Water leaked through the downstairs lights.
You're welcome for that incredibly embarrassing story. 

7.  When you have 30 minutes of free time what do you do?

Catch up on Sons of Anarchy or Walking Dead with my fiance. :)
It's our newest obsession.

8. Do you know how you got your name if so tell us... 

Well, I think my first name was pretty random.
My middle name is my Nannie's middle name also.
If we have a girl one day, we'll carry on the tradition. 

 9. What are you most proud of?

 Becoming a teacher.
I knew I wanted to be a teacher in high school.
I went to college with that goal in mind, worked my butt off to graduate with honors.
Worked so hard at applying for jobs at a time when there really weren't any.
Somehow got a job in the toughest school system to get into, without having any connections and as a no-experience teacher. Managed to survive my first year of teaching fifth graders, and finally found my place in second grade, where I finally feel comfortable and I know what the heck I'm doing. :)

10. Describe your perfect date with your boyfriend or husband. 

Cody and I love taking drives to places we haven't ever been or places we don't get to visit often. The drive gives us time to solely be with each other, enjoy the beautiful scenery and explore new towns. We normally stop to have lunch, or stop to look through shops. It's perfect for us. :)

Ten Facts about me:

1. I'm getting married June 7th.
2. I have a weenie dog named Maci & a hound dog named Hank.
3. My favorite fast food restaurant is Chick-fil-a.
4. Target is my biggest weakness.
5. I hate going to the gym.
6. I was a pink power ranger for Halloween one year when I was little.
7. I like glitter. A lot.
8. I like sprinkles. On everything.
9. I really like cupcakes. They're my favorite.
10. My favorite city in Georgia is Athens. Go Dawgs.

Here are my questions:

1. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? [Hey, it's the teacher in me.]
2. What is your favorite smell?
3. What is the farthest you've been from home?
4. Do you have a special talent? If so, what is it?
5. Who is your best friend? How did y'all meet?
6. Do you have any pets?
7. What is your favorite sport to watch?
8. What is your favorite fashion accessory right now?
9. Why did you start blogging?
10. If you could give one piece of blogging advice, what would it be?

And here are my nominations:

Chesson @ A Southern Twenty-Five  
Ashley @ Baseball-Diamonds & Hairspray
Libby @ Health, Love & Fire
Miranda @ Life in the Lowcountry
Ashley @ A Thousand Words

Can't wait to see what y'all have to share! :)


  1. Fellow GA Peaches! Are you as tired of being indoors as I am?! Lol. Cabin Fever hit me pretty bad!! I enjoyed reading this!

  2. I completely agree on summer being the best season. It's mine too :) Also twinsies on the bikini top. It was my favorite this season!

  3. Congrats on the award!


  4. Summer is definitely the best season....I can't wait for it to come! So sick of snow up in NY.

  5. Yay!Thank you so much! We definitely had cabin fever over here in Winder today! Miranda is one of my faves too.. i would LOVE to meet her as well. AND I can't wait to see wedding posts :o)

  6. I love some Miranda! We got super caught up in Sons of Anarchy too... :) I have a post scheduled out where I nominate you in the future, just FYI! :)

  7. Oh my gosh your name is Lauren Elizabeth?! SO IS MINE! I have found SO many other Lauren Elizabeth's out there it's crazy! It was my mom and older cousins middle name, but for my daughter I gave her my SILs name for her middle name.
