
Friday, February 7, 2014

Five on Friday

It's that day again ladies. Friday.
And I have to say that this week was a long one.
Since we really haven't had a full week of school since December [MLK day, the day Antarctica took over the world & two snow days], it was a struggle pressing through five whole days. How exhausting. ;) But no, really.

Luckily, it's another Five on Friday post for me & it'll be a quickie.


Miranda @ Life in the Lowcountry had a precious idea for a link-up, and asked me to join in on the fun. I was flattered that she asked, and was super excited when I learned about the topic!

Not just any vacation...

I don't know about y'all, but I'm ready for shorts, flip flops & icy beverages on a sandy beach.
And with all this cold & snow around the country, I bet most of y'all are ready too!

On Monday, February 10th, you can link up with Miranda & I to share your vacation spot for this summer, or if you aren't sure yet, no worries! What would your dream vacation be? What was your favorite vacation from the past? We want to know! 
Shed those mittens, scarves & puffy vests for a bikini and flip flops.
Let's put a little sunshine on our minds. :)


Cody showed me this INCREDIBLE video the other day, and I about started to cry.
Not from sadness, but from being so inspired. By somebody you'd least expect.
Check it out.


I actually started working towards my February goal of working out and eating more healthy. 

  • Monday, I took Maci to the park with Ashley & her dog, Hank.
  •  Tuesday, Cody & I hit the gym. Which I really enjoyed because it was something healthy we were doing together. 
  • And Wednesday I hit the treadmill at my mom's house on the way home from work. 
[Thursday I had my hair appointment, thank the Lord. Those roots were killing me.
So I plan to keep up with it, and I already feel better.

Exercising isn't so bad when your view looks like this. #springfever


This weekend, we FINALLY have our food tasting at our venue.
I have been waiting for this day for.ever.
We had a little setback when picking items to try.
Our venue said we could only pick two entrees to try, and three vegetables/sides. 
Which is exactly how much you get at your reception.
But we had a problem with that. 
What if we hated something? We had to guess what to pick without trying it? 
No. No. I'm not doing that even if I sound like a bridal brat.
So after some complaining, and almost changing venues four months before we get married [WHICH IS EXACTLY FOUR MONTHS AWAY TODAY. HOLY CRAP. BREATHE.], we worked out a compromise, which hopefully will come through on Sunday.
I'll be sure to let y'all know...


In other blogging news, Kristan @ Lavendar & Light asked me to do a guest post next week about marriage/relationships/love. Perfect for Valentine's Day next Friday!
Kristan is a super sweet girl, and I love love love reading about her life in Alaska! 
Super cool right?

So be on the lookout for that next week! :)

In the meantime...

Happy Friday y'all!


  1. I will definitely be joining the link up about the summer vacation. I am done with the cold, it's unbearable. I am so happy for your journey on planning a wedding!! I think the tasting would be one of the best parts because I'm a fat kid at heart. I am so glad I found your blog & definitely consider me a follower!

  2. I am so glad everything worked out with the tasting! You're venue is beautiful and I know you will have the perfect day!

  3. Hi Lauren, Happy Friday! I found you on the link up today and I'm following along right now so I can remember to do your vacation link up on Monday - what a cool idea! So your wedding is just a couple months away now? Oh that is so exciting! And what a beautiful venue too!

    Have a great weekeend,

  4. Your venue is beautiful. It's your wedding day and you are allowed to be a "Brat". Have a good weekend!

  5. Lauren- I was so surprised to see myself pop up on this post- thank you! I love your link up idea, I am going to get such vacation-lust reading through everyones ideas! Your venue is gorgeous, seriously, it is going to be such a beautiful day! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Yay! I am excited to link up with Miss Kristan as well! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. How exciting about all of the wedding stuff! I'm sure the food is going to be amazing!

  8. Oh yes. I am so ready for summer too. I am beyond over the snow.. bring on the beach please!

  9. yay for working out and feeling healthy! I go my the mantra endorphins= happiness!

  10. I'm glad you fought for another option with your food tasting. While I understand the venue probably not wanting to make everything for you to try for cost reasons (I'm sure). But how do they expect you to know what you want if you don't even get to try it. Hope it all works out for you!

  11. Love the idea of linking up to dream of warmer days!! I'm dying for a beach vacay and we are heading to Key West in March!

  12. I am so ready for warm weather!! It's been way too cold and rainy here in NorCal!!
