
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snowy Days Down South

In case you hadn't heard, [yeah right] it snowed down here last week!
I know, you're totally shocked.
Although, the city completely shut down and poor people were stranded for 24 hours in their cars, gas stations and fast food chains, it was enjoyable for those cozy in their homes and out of work.

Luckily, last Tuesday, I was able to leave school and head home with no problems. Cody was one of those stuck in Atlanta on 285 for awhile. Somehow, he managed to escape the madness and made it home in a whopping five hours. [a normal one hour commute.]

Once he finally made it home, we enjoyed some time in the freshly fallen snow. Cody whipped out a sled that I didn't even know we had. We slid down our hill a few times, including running into a few trees. And then we made a big pot of chilli and relaxed on the couch. It was a rare treat for these southerners. :)

Since the roads were covered with an inch of ice, school was of course cancelled the next two days. Which meant no work for me. Normal people stayed inside their warm cozy houses or made snowmen in their front yard, but we aren't normal.
Cody yearned for danger apparently. Because he worked his Jeep up our ice covered hill and we hit the road to visit friends and cause some trouble. I guess I'm attracted to the rebels. :)

And then like any crazy dog mom, I had to snap a few more pictures of Maci before the snow completely melted away. By day #3 she learned to love it. She definitely was a little snow bunny by then.

 We had so much fun playing in the snow, and having two days off was unexpectedly nice. But now that we got some snow out of the way, this girl has some major spring fever!
Bring on 65 degrees and sunny. 


  1. Hey girl. I'm a new follower of your blog and jealous that your snow melted after a short bit! I'm from Iowa and we have a tonnnn here and it's well below zero.... please send some warmth! :)) Take care!!

  2. You guys are so adorable! I'm glad you made the best of the snow. I guess a few days of it wouldn't be so bad. We're getting 80 degrees down here in south Florida and I'm already busting out the bright nail polish and maxi dresses. Bring on the heat! Haha.

  3. Love your photos! Maci looks too cute in her little sweater! Also, that sled is hilarious... I lived up North and never saw one made like that before! haha

  4. That sled looks like serious business! Looks like you all made the most of it and had some fun!

  5. I want snow days dangit!!! Looks like so much fun (if you weren't stuck on the interstate!)

  6. I haven't gone sledding forever! How fun! I'll have to try to make it out next time we have a good enough snow here. Plus, I need to invest in some good snow boots before then! Glad you enjoyed it!

  7. Your pictures are beautiful. You are getting really good at taking pictures!

  8. Love these pics! Your pup in that sweater slays me!

  9. It looks like you enjoyed and embraced the snow! Love that cute little sweater on your dog!

  10. Love all of your photos! And I'm happy to see you embraced the snow and enjoyed it while it lasted.
