
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Super Bowl [or lack thereof...]

So obviously we all know that the Super Bowl was a total bust.
[Unless you're a Seahawks fan, then it was TOTALLY AWESOME]
But we weren't rooting for Seattle due to some of our favorite Bulldogs playing for the Broncos. [Knowshon & Champ] To make matters worse, the commercials weren't very praise worthy either. Majorly disappointed.

But we all at least had a good reason to stuff our face with party snacks washed down with an adult beverage. Or five. For big time Bronco fans probably more. ;)

Here are a few snapshots of our small get-together.
Paul, Ashley & Ryan joined us for the festivities.

[I have to say that I was longing for all my enertaining dishes that I registered for the previous day]

Since it was such a pretty day outside, we decided to grill out. 
Sliders were the grilling choice. And of course, since we're really just college football fans, we repped some Georgia toothpicks. You're welcome Dawg fans. 

I found some chocolate chip football cookies at Kroger for the occassion.
Besides looking extremely good on my hips [not], they tasted extremely delicious with cookie cream stuffed in between. Yum.

On Pinterest last week, I found a [what I thought to be] delicious pizza roll up recipe.
They looked delicious, and were super simple to make.
But since I'm the queen of screwing up recipes, the crescent rolls browned faster than the cheese melted. I swear I read the directions people. 

If you wanna take a shot at these little babies, you can find the recipe here.

Cody made his very own cocktail weenies in the crockpot [hotdogs + BBQ sauce + grape jelly], and Ashley and Paul brought some hot wings and yummy dips for chips. 
Overall, food success.

And good times with friends. :)


  1. I was rooting for Peyton and the Broncos so I was really bummed by the outcome of the Super Bowl. And I thought Chevy and Budweiser had the best commercials. I mean the soldier's homecoming and the puppy and the Clydesdale?! LOVED them! And then the Chevy commercial with the bull and the ladies...gave me a chuckle.

  2. At first I thought it was pigs in a blanket. I die for some of those. But I could absolutely settle for the pizza roll-ups, cold cheese and all. :)

  3. All that food looks delicious! I'm not a football fan and didn't watch the game, but I live in Denver and know a LOT of diehard Broncos fans who were pretty much inconsolable after the game!

  4. All that food looks waaaay to good for my own good!!!
