
Monday, March 17, 2014

Life Lately

Is it bad I could honestly care less about St. Patrick's day?
I don't want to be pinched for not wearing green.
I don't want any green beer or Lucky Charms.
 And I think leprechauns are weird.
You can just call me the St. Patrick's Day Grinch.
Except, I wouldn't be a green Grinch because that would be too contradicting.
Life has been relatively busy the last couple of days, hence the mini-break from blogging last week. Grades were due on Friday, so I spent most nights grading papers and working on lesson plans for this week. Anybody who says a teacher's life is easy is a nut. Our job never quits, especially not after the bell rings.
But through all the elementary school chaos, I've tried to squeeze in some time for my new healthy lifestyle, and some time with friends.
Here's what I've been up to recently.
Last Saturday, Ashley at A Thousand Words asked me to join her for a wedding she was shooting up at Chota Falls in North Georgia.
I will never claim to be anything but amateur, but I enjoy photography and was super excited when she asked me to be her second shooter. I definitely can't take credit for any of the posing, but every once in awhile I snap a decent picture I like to think.

Once Ashley adds her magic editing touch to these, I think the bride will be pleased. 
Or else I'm going to feel really crappy.
So just to give you an idea of where my brain was last week, I'll let you in on a pretty embarrassing, don't let me around your children, can't function on my own - secret.
You're allowed to stop following me now.
To help try and clear my head, Cody has been super sweet and taken me for mini hikes and walking each evening. It means a lot to have his support with my weight loss challenge, and we've really realized that the time we spend each evening walking, gives us time to communicate and spend some quality time together after our stressful days. I look forward to it every day.
Here's to hoping this week is a lot less stressful.
And cross your fingers that I learn how to put on my underwear appropriately.
Happy Monday y'all!
 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. inside out AND upside down? bahah hilarious! still following along but i'd be lying if i said i wont be thinking about this every morning, hoping i don't do the same!! :)

  2. Choata Falls just looks so pretty! I bet that was a great, and easy place to photograph! Looks to me like you did a great job.

  3. pretty pictures! glad you have evening hikes with your man--it makes those stressful days much better.

  4. Bless your heart friend, I'm right there with you! I mean I didn't blog for like 2 months so no judgement here. Teacher life IS hard, I have been utterly exhausted and then add in grad school and wedding...people should just be lucky we have underwear on :) I hope your Monday is wonderful!

  5. Those pictures are gorgeous!!! Girl - you've got talent!

  6. Totally agree about St. Patricks Day. I am just not into it at all!

  7. Your pictures are gorgeous! And the sunset is beautiful! Hope you have a less stressful week! :)

  8. I am hoping you mean inside out and backwards? I am not understanding upside down haha :) I am not huge in to St. Patrick's Day either. Mostly because IMHO my birthday trumps it :)

  9. Pretty pictures girl! Here's to a fresh, new week! Xx.

  10. I'm with you on St. Pat's day. I currently have no green on.

  11. I could have cared less about it too! I was busy and working!
