
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Throwback Tuesday? {L+C: Year Three}

Well, last Thursday I fell asleep around six, so my hopes for linking up with Ashley at A Thousand Words for Throwback Thursday were squashed. Oops.
 So I guess I'm breaking the rules, and catching up on Tuesday. Because I can.
In honor of March being the month mine and Cody's relationship started - a seemingly long five years ago, I started throwing back to the last few years of our relationship.
You can find the posts here and here.
Que year three!
We celebrated my birthday. I turned 22.
Before Taylor Swift wrote a song about it.
We did our normal thing and went to a few sporting events throughout the year - a couple UGA games and a NASCAR race.
I somehow managed to get Cody to the Game Ranch - a petting zoo I've been going to since I was four. He was quite the bunny whisperer.
We went on our first mini-vacation by ourselves to Tennessee.
We stayed in a Christmas hotel. In May.
And we added Mr. Hank to the family. 
Believe it or not, he used to be small.
Lots of fun and memories.
Stay tuned for a real Throwback Thursday on an actual Thursday. :)

 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. Oh, I may have to steal this idea of recapping every year! I love seeing you guys grow from babies to almost married old folk ;)

  2. Awww yall remind me of B & I!! A Southern couple ;) Ahh, I've always wanted to stay at that Christmas hotel!!

  3. Hey Lauren! I just nominated you for the Liebster Award! I can't wait to hear your responses!

    Here is the link!

  4. Such fun throwbacks!! Your Mr. Hanks is adorable!!

  5. A Christmas hotel in May is an AWESOME idea. Cute pics!
