
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March Goals

Another month means new goals.
March is going to be a big month with making wedding decisions, so it's going to be geared mostly toward that. With a few extra bonus goals thrown in.

If you haven't set up monthly goals for yourself, but have been thinking about it, I highly suggest it. Sometimes I forget what I wrote down for my monthly goals, so I have to remind myself by looking back at my blog. But normally, I'm accomplishing goals that I set because they're in the back of my mind anyway. I love the feeling of crossing things off throughout the month, and looking back to see what I accomplished in those 30 or so days. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)

But enough with the rambling, onto March's goals.

1. Have a wedding invitation stuffing party.

I've had a lot of family and friends ask if they can do something to help with the wedding.
Before now, I had nothing to tell them. We had gotten the big stuff squared away, but now we're preparing for the little stuff. Our invitations are going to be mailed April 1st, so I thought it would be fun to recruit some sweet ladies to help with the stuffing process. And why not have a few snacks and drinks along the way.

2. Order wedding shoes.

I had some. The cutest pair. Matched perfectly with my wedding colors. They arrive. Impossible to walk in.
As much as I love five inch heels, I don't want to look like a 13-year old teeny bopper in giant heels at her first school dance walking down the isle. My dress will be heavy enough, so lets not add any more obstacles to the walk. Nor do I want to get stuck in the grass along the way. So as much as I loved the pair of heels, and was disappointed when I realized I would have to send them back, I want to find a more realistic pair that is still fashionable and cute.

3. Book a honeymoon!

I know. This has been on the list for the last two months.
We've finally figured out the week our honeymoon will have to be, so all we have to do is decide on the location. Sounds so simple...

4. Pick a flower girl dress.

This needs to be done rather soon I feel like.
We need time for alterations if needed and incase the dress just looks terrible.
She'll be cute in anything I'm sure of it, but the bride needs to get on it.

5. Save. Save. Save.

This has to be on here for March.
We can't start the big spending trend now, especially with our wedding inching closer and closer. But we've been doing so good so far, I want us to keep it up. I haven't bought new clothes since 2013 people! I'm owning this.

6. Continue eating healthy & exercising.

I finally weighed myself again, and I FINALLY saw some weight loss. 
I've lost five pounds so far, and it really has motivated me to keep on going.
Cody has been super supportive, and I think I've even inspired him to make smarter choices [he chose wheat bread for sandwiches y'all...that's unheard of], and he's been exercising with me, which always makes it more fun. 

7. Pick our groom's attire & groomsmen.

We plan on crossing this goal off this upcoming weekend, so I'm hoping all of our groomsmen get in their quickly and get their stuff ordered. Crossing my fingers. And my toes.

8. Have a date with Cody at a new place.

I love how the last two months we've been venturing out of our comfort zone. Somehow we always manage to go on dates at the same restaurants we always go to. So I would like for us to pick a new place to try and experience together. And maybe we can do this for our 5-year dating anniversary. ;)

9.  Begin thinking about Bridesmaid gifts.

I have an idea of what I want to go with. And I have a theme I want to stick to. I have part of their gift, but I know I want some other items to throw in.

10. Look for bridesmaid jewelry & shoes.

I don't have a vision for this, and it's killing me.
I can't make a decision if I don't have an idea of what it's going to look like.
I may need to spend some extra time on Pinterest for inspiration.
Can't complain about that!

I'm going to keep March at 10 goals for now.
They're all very attainable and will help out majorly with wedding plans.
Bring it on March!


  1. I would love to help with an invitation stuffing party!!

  2. I loved reading your March goals! I started setting monthly goals myself with the start of 2013, after reading "The Happiness Project"--such a great book! Enjoy the wedding planning : )

  3. Awe girl I am so excited for you! I love watching the process come together, can't wait to see the big day!!

  4. I had the same thing happen with my wedding shoes, had to send those right back. They were gorg, but a trip waiting to happen for sure. I ended up loving the second pair more, so fingers crossed you will too!

  5. Book that honeymoon womannnnn! Ha! Any ideas of where yall want to go?? Love getting to follow along with yalls wedding plans!! :)

  6. Hey there! I just found your blog & I'm in love. All of your pictures are so gorgeous. I just wanted to stop and say "Hello!" Our wedding is in October and I was already having a panic attack from having not booked our honeymoon yet. The hardest part was, like you said, narrowing down a destination. Good luck!

  7. nice! and great goals :)

  8. You've got lots of wedding things to do! Fun things though! Have you looked on for shoes?
