
Monday, July 28, 2014

[Almost] Alive & Kicking

I'm alive blog world.
And [barely] hanging in there!

Today marks my official last day of summer vacation - back to work for this teacher tomorrow - and I'm celebrating by watching Boy Meets World and battling a case of strep throat. Yuck.

I have been hard at work for the last couple weeks setting up my classroom, which is my biggest excuse for ignoring this little blog of mine. But I promise some upcoming posts of what I've been up to the last couple of weeks, WEDDING PICTURES and hopefully a classroom sneak peek once I get settled with my new little 2nd grade babies.

As I'm completely bummed that this amazing summer has come to an end, I'm excited to start the adventure of a new school year and get back into a daily routine!

Enjoy your last July Monday y'all!

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  1. Holy moly you start back so early! Our first day back for teachers here is Aug 18th. Can't wait ti see classroom and wedding pics!

  2. So good to see you back! Yes, please post some wedding pictures! I'm sorry you have strep throat, but doesn't boy meets world make it feel better? :)

  3. Good luck heading back to school. We head back next month!

  4. Can't wait to see those wedding photos! Yay for a new school year with a new last name!

  5. I hear you! I go next Monday and I'm NOT excited!
