
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Peanut Turns One

My little Alabama peanut turned one last week!
My friend Brittany's little boy, Luke, is my little peanut incase you don't know.
They moved to Alabama a year or so ago, so seeing them isn't as common as we would like. Brittany was throwing Luke a first birthday party, but due to a mini family vacation the same weekend, we weren't able to attend.

To make up for missing the party, I decided to head down to Alabama to deliver Luke's birthday gift and spend some one-on-one time with Luke and his mama. Although, I was completely bummed out for missing the party, it probably turned out better that I went down there because I was able to spend some quality time with them that wouldn't have happened at the party.

Luke seemed to love his birthday gifts, and it was fun, as always, catching up with Brittany since our wedding in June.

Try not to die from the cuteness.

If you survived the cuteness - enjoy your Tuesday! :)

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  1. Oh my goodness, he is precious. Little ones opening presents is probably one of my favorite things ever!

  2. So sweet! I am constantly being an Aunt to babies far off. It really is the best to get one on one weekends with them. Isn't being an Aunt the best?!

  3. He's so excited about all of his presents! Too cute!

  4. Ahh! Oh my goodness, he couldn't be any cuter!!! I love his absolutely perfectly groomed hair!

  5. how adorable! he is a charmer!

  6. He's adorable! His face is so expressive!!

  7. Hi, Lauren! Just wanted to let you know that you are doing a great job and I'm nominating you for the Liebster award!
    Check out more details here-

  8. oh hes just beautiful! happy belated birthday to the little munchkin

    This Girl Loves Chic

