
Monday, August 4, 2014

July Goal Results + August Goals

I can't even believe it's August!
Where has 2014 gone... I mean really.
Somehow, we got here and for me, that means new monthly goals.

I really sucked it up with my July goals.
I managed to reach a whole new level of laziness for the first half of the month, and then completely consumed my time with my classroom for second half of the month.

So looking back on these, won't be too fun I'm thinking.

1. Celebrate July 4th with friends & family.
2. Eat healthy + exercise.
HA. No, I'm still holding on to those extra honeymoon pounds.
3. Keep up with laundry.
It's not completely done, but it's a definite improvement!
4. Start working in my classroom.
Did I work in my classroom!? I pretty much have lived there for the past two weeks.
Even on Saturday...
5. Lesson planning.
Not written down, but I know what I'm doing, all the copies have been made, and books picked out. Ready to go.
6. Plan a date for my husband.
No. I was terrible. But we really didn't go on official dates really at all.
7. Celebrate one month of marriage with my hubby.
This goal was kinda inevitable.
I feel like we've been married for a lot longer honestly.
8. Visit our engagement spot.
We didn't make it there. Maybe next time. :)
9. Show my husband how much I love him!
I sure tried my best! But there's always room for improvement for this goal!
1. Have a successful first day of school!
On Tuesday! I can't believe I've made it to my third year of teaching, and I know it's going to be the best one yet!
2. Lay my clothes out the night before work.
I swear... I spend more time in the morning picking out what I'm going to wear that day than anything else. I need less stress in my life, and this would surely help.
3. Make my lunches the night before.
This extra time in the morning could also totally be avoided. I need smoother mornings people!
4. Stay organized at school and with lesson planning.
I've been so lucky to have such great helpers in my classroom, getting me organized and ready for the school year. An organized classroom is a happy classroom. And we want happy 2nd graders!
5. Seriously get back to eating healthy and exercising during the week.
I know. Totally failed last month. But with being back on a regular schedule, eating healthy will be much easier. I'd really love to get back to walking with my hubby at the local college, and working out with Ashley at the gym.
6. Continue to save money & spending wisely.
Teaching requires you to spend so much of your own money to make things better in your classroom for the year. I totally spent way more than needed in July on classroom items, so saving in August is a MUST.
7. Communicate with my husband.
Good things or bad things, communication is always good.
Sometimes I forget to communicate my plans, or things I need him to do.
So to make his life easier, as well as mine, communication is key.
8. Show him love, patience and understanding.
This might as well be a life goal.
I can always show more of all of these things.
9. Go on a date with my hubby.
We deserve a real date I believe.
It's a little overdue! :)
10. Watch Georgia BEAT Clemson in Athens!!!
It's that time of year again! Go Dawgs!

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  1. I haveee to pick out my clothes the night before, or in the morning I will spend wayyy too much time trying to pick something out, and since I am half asleep, I will throw something together that really shouldn't go together, ha! I can't believe it's back to school already!

  2. Good luck with your goals for August! I can't believe it's already August either!

  3. I am not sure the last one will go over so smoothly. Hopefully Clemson will Prevail! hahahha But the rest of your goals seem do able so I am sending good "get your goals achieved" vibes your way!!! :)

    Love Always,
