
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cabin Weekend | Part One |

The weekend before I went back to work, we took a mini family vacation up to my aunt & uncle's cabin in North Georgia. We had a complete blast (even while I battled strep throat unknowingly...). Nothing truly makes me happier than being surrounded by my family.
Because I was overzealous with pictures (y'all know me by now...), I'll break up our weekend into a couple parts so I don't blow your mind too much.
Cody and I headed up there Friday afternoon, after he got off work. We met my parents up there, while Whitney and her boyfriend, Nick, came up not too long after. Our evening consisted of cornhole, exploring on the Mule, grilling out & s'mores.
Sounds like a perfect southern summer night to me!



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  1. you look JUST like your mom!! that looks so fun - we're going to a cabin in late august and this post got me excited!

  2. That is some incredible scenery in the second picture!! Looks like a pretty perfect cabin weekend :)

  3. Sounds so fun and relaxing! I love that so many doggies were there!

  4. Love a good cabin trip :) and Love your pictures!!

  5. So can we just rewind to that weekend and let me come and join? It looks like so much fun!!! :) Hahha And you look so much like your mom!!!

    Love Always,

  6. It looks like lots of memories were made. Thank you for sharing.

    Lisa @ Girl at the Beach.
