
Monday, August 25, 2014

Cabin Weekend | Part Two |

I know. I'm alive and blogging.
I'm just as shocked as y'all, trust me.
I somehow managed some free time over the weekend, so I'm going to try my best to get back into the blog world because I really do miss it.
I'll save my whining and complaining for another post, but for now, I need to finish what I started at the beginning of the month.

At this point, this post is pretty irrelevant.
Considering part one was posted almost a month ago, and this weekend at the cabin occurred back in July... But it would bug me to no end, if I didn't finish what I originally planned.

So just bear with me as I get back into the swing of things.
Looking back at this, I totally took advantage of my summer vacation, and now I'm ready for the next... and it's only 3 weeks into the school year...ugh.

So just to finish recapping the weekend for the sake of my sanity, here we go...

Like I mentioned in the previous post, we took a trip up to my aunt and uncle's cabin in North Georgia at the end of July. It was great timing considering I was about to start back to work and we never really get a chance to travel anywhere as a family (even if it was just two hours away).
Saturday was spent on the lake, which is probably one of my favorite places on earth to be. Even while I unknowingly battled strep throat (totally was a sign of things to come...), we had so much fun together spending the day in such a beautiful place.
After a day on the water, we headed back to the cabin and turned our redneck side on to shoot some guns. ("yeah c'mon" as Cody would say) Boys and their guns...that's all I have to say. We ate more incredibly delicious food, and enjoyed our last night by the fire in the mountains. Totally a weekend we all needed.


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  1. Looks so fun! I love your monogrammed shirt!

  2. Such beautiful pictures once again and it looks like an amazing time!

  3. You always take such great pictures! Looks like a wonderful weekend
