
Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Peek Inside the Classroom: Pumpkin Book Reports

So, I don't normally speak too much of what we're doing in the classroom, but this I just couldn't help but share! Not only because they are just about the cutest thing ever, but because of how proud I was of my kids for doing such a wonderful job!
Aside from all the regular lifestyle blogs I read, I have a few of my favorite teacher blogs also. One of those teacher blogs that I love is Hope King at Elementary Shenanigans. (formerly 2nd Grade Shenanigans) She is such a creative teacher and always has the best ideas to engage her students. When I saw her pumpkin book reports, I knew it was something I wanted to try.
I expressed my beginning of the year hardships on this here blog awhile back, but I've been trying my best to start putting more of my personality and my heart into my lesson plans to give me that fuel and desire to survive through this year. It's still a tough day every day in my classroom, but I can honestly say that by me putting more of my heart into my plans, I actually look forward to planning and teaching to the students that want to succeed and learn.
With inspiration from Hope, I assigned these pumpkin book reports to add a little fall flare into our normal routine! With some hesitation, I had my kids work on this project at home for the month of October and planned for us to share the last week of the month. I expected them to have a lot of help from their parents (some more than others!), but I was completely okay with that. I want my parents to be involved with their child's education and what a fun way to do so!
I was nervous and worried about the outcome, whether or not my students would participate or not. But come Monday morning, I was blown away with all the creative pumpkins my kids so proudly brought to school! We have them displayed in the hallway for everybody to admire their hard work!
Definitely a project for the books!
If you'd like to check out Hope's Pumpkin Book Report unit on TpT, click here!

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Wednesday, October 29, 2014

| Our Wedding | Wedding Party

To say that I'm way behind in posting wedding pictures would be an understatement.
It's driving me nuts with the inconsistency of me posting these, but life has certainly gotten in the way of blogging. (I know I'm just plain terrible at it these days)

But to try and keep on track of posting these, I have our wedding party portraits to share with y'all!

Once our family pictures were done, we quickly got together with our wedding party for a few shots. Normally, our bridesmaids and groomsmen wouldn't all be together in one place, but I think both our hearts were very full having them all surround us on such a special day. We had so much fun with all these guys!

Wedding Coordinator/Florist: Terri @ Everything and More
Wedding Photographer: Katie Rivers Photography
Bridal Shoes: Badgley Mischka
Hair/Makeup: Shannon @ Formal Faces
Bridesmaid Dresses: Bill Levkoff @ Affordable Bridal
Bridesmaid Tanks: Baileywicks
Bridesmaid Glasses: Alisha's Designs
Bridesmaid Shoes: DSW

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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Moonshine Festival

One of our fall traditions is going to the Moonshine Festival up in Dawsonville.
Before I met Cody, I never had interest in old cars or car shows. But since it's something that Cody loves, I try to find the same love in it as he does.

The Moonshine Festival is half car show and half festival.
We got to the show early and enjoyed walking around with his parents looking at all the different kinds of cars and trucks. I try to learn what I can about the cars, but I still have a ways to go until I catch up to Cody. I pretty much judge what cars I like based on what color it is and how shiny. :)

Once we strolled through all the cars and had some lunch, Cody and I headed over to the festival and looked through all of the booths. We treated ourselves to a giant lemonade and fried Oreo's to end the day! Yum!

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