
Monday, April 3, 2017

Color Run 2017

This is pretty much one of my FAVORITE days of the entire year.
I'm not even joking.

The Color Run is an absolute BLAST - even if you hate exercising.
There's just something so fun about getting colored powder all over you and being care-free about it.

Ashley and I had signed up to do it, but a few days before we had the best. idea. ever.
Get the husbands to go too! Cody and I are always talking about doing stuff together, continue dating each other - and what a fun and different way to do it. We were so thankful my mom was able to watch Harpie. We left super early that morning and headed to Atlanta Motor Speedway. We checked in, and got started as soon as we could. The guys made it so fun. They were silly and crazy, but totally what we all needed. 

(And I totally ran more than I thought I could - and didn't even feel awful about it. Last year's I wasn't at my healthiest (post-baby bod) (post HERE!). It's amazing what working out and being healthy can do for ya. :P )

I think we all decided that we were going to be doing this every year because it was THAT fun.

If you want to see me almost die from yellow powder, feel free to click play below. :)

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