
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Harper | Eighteen Months

I totally slacked with keeping up with Harper's monthly updates towards the end of her first year.
I thought about going back and completing them, but honestly - I feel like I would be making stuff up at this point because it was such a blur now. 

But there's no time like the present to do a quick Harpie update.
I definitely won't be doing them monthly, but twice a year I feel would work just fine.
Our sweet girl turned A YEAR AND A HALF on June 11th - time flies when you're chasing a tiny little human around. So with that being said, here's an eighteen month update for our girl. :)

Nicknames: Harpie, Harps, Harpie Bug - those are the ones we mostly use. Even people outside our family call her Harpie. :)

Weight: 25-26 pounds. We've been pretty stuck at this weight for awhile. You're just getting taller on us girlfriend!

Height: Not sure exactly. Our 18-month checkup got skipped somehow and pushed back in July. Let's put it this way - tall enough to grab things off the counter, throw perfectly fine stuff away in the trash can, and throw ice in the sink when mommy drops it on the floor five hundred times a day.

Looks: Pretty darn cute if you ask us! When you were really little, you definitely favored Daddy. But now that you've gotten older, you're starting to look a lot like Mama did when she was little! You have the sweetest curly blonde hair - it's getting SO long. Blue eyes like Daddy still. Dimples and the biggest smile ever. You smile with your eyes, and it's precious. You still are rocking that baby pudge in the thighs and wrists, and I hope it never goes away. Even though, you probably won't be too fond of wrist rolls when you're in high school.

Personality: Where do I even begin! I didn't even know a toddler could have so much. You have so many different sides. You're the sweetest girl sometimes - hugs, kisses, and cuddles. You can be so giving and generous. You're hilarious, and you know it. You know you're funny, and you try and make us laugh all the time. Recently, we feel like terrible two's came early. You're wild, rambunctious, and full of energy. You have sass and attitude that can compete with a sixteen year old. Tantrums are a regular thing, and you let officially earned the title of Miss Independent.

Eating: You pretty much know what you like and that's what you stick to. You almost always will eat chicken, strawberries, French fries, tater tots, grapes, shredded cheese, crackers. And everything else you are so picky about. One day, you'll love it, and the next you refuse to taste it and are throwing it on the floor for the dogs. #toddlerlife

Sleeping: We're totally off track right now, but you were such a great sleeper. You were sleeping through the night no problem. Going to bed around 7:30pm and waking up around 7am once we got out of school. Since your two teeth have been coming in, you're waking up once or twice a night needing comfort and even sometimes a feeding to calm you down. Recently you've been going to be early and waking up around 6:30am. And somehow, we're back to wanting two naps a day. I blame the teeth completely.

Wearing: Our 18 month clothes are fitting, but I can tell they're quickly getting a little more snug. 2T seems to be more comfy and giving you more room to grow.

Favorite Things: Your family! You love Daddy, Mama, your grandparents, Nannie, aunts, uncle, and so on. You absolutely love your dogs - maybe a little too much sometimes! You LOVE going outside. Your favorite thing to do is to collect rocks. You love swimming and getting wet. You're really starting to love books too.

Least Favorite Things: When Hank eats your food off of your table. Or when he eats the food you actually hand him. It's not pretty. :) Being tired, diaper changes (you're constantly wanting to be busy!), having to go inside, and being held when you're wanting to be Miss Independent.

Words You Speak: Dada, Mama, BAE, MiMi, Paw (P-Paw), GiGi, Daw (DeeDaw), bubbles, dog, kitty, bowl, hey, bye, tickle, woof, go, and a few more. We're really close to getting touchdown and 'Goooo Dawgs!' :)

You Melt Our Heart When: We say "cheeeese" and you give us your super cheesy smile!! We say "I love you" and you give us a kiss. We say "aww" and you hug whatever you're holding. You say new words, you show us something new you've learned, you come home from school with artwork! You use your imagination - it's adorable.

You Drive Us Nuts When: You throw your cup when you're done drinking - just set it down! Throwing your food to the dogs when you should be eating it. You bite kids at school - WHY.

Within the last six months, you've:
  • Totally mastered walking and running
  • You had tubes put in your ears
  • Watched the Super Bowl with our Falcons - too bad they blew it. :(
  • Taken a trip to Blue Ridge when mommy lost her keys and you and Daddy had to bring them to her...We made the best of it and had fun though!
  • Made lots of friends and had so much fun playing with them!
  • Learned to LOVE bubbles and chalk
  • Had Easter pictures taken with real bunnies and chicks!
  • Totally rocked the art of rock collecting - and even Easter eggs
  • Went to your second G-Day game, but first time going watching the game
  • Helped mama and daddy in the yard
  • Spent five days in the hospital with MRSA - you were a rockstar!
  • Picked strawberries and looooved it
  • Played in your pool and had a blast
  • Took a trip to Babyland General and threw expensive babies on the ground - yay...
  • Spent a lot of time with family and loved every single minute of it
  • Visited Florida for the first time and loved the sand and ocean at the beach




We love you, sweet girl.