
Friday, June 16, 2017

Friday, I Love You

This week has totally been AHHHH!
Picture me pulling my hair out if you will. :)

AHHH in so many good ways (maybe a couple not so good).
But some weeks you just have a lot going on, and it was one of those weeks.
We're totally pumped that we made it to Friday over here, especially since we're hitting the road for the beach TOMORROW (whoop!). Which is a big reason it's been kinda crazy over here. Shopping, packing, cleaning - am I the only one who LOVES coming home from vacation to a sparkly clean house? - and getting ready for Father's Day too. It's been mostly good crazy. 

Since relaunching my blog last week (eeeek! glad to be back!), I've been really excited to get a Five on Friday post out there with April from Smidge of This and the other sweet ladies. I've missed these fun little Friday posts, so what better Friday to start than today. :)


We're ready for that ocean air and salty hair y'all.
We're leaving super early tomorrow and heading to Rosemary Beach in Florida.
We have heard SO MANY wonderful things about this area and are really excited to explore and soak up all that vitamin sea. :)

We're banking on Harper sleeping a little bit at first on the way down, so she's not totally going toddler stir crazy through the drive. It's suppose to only take about 6 1/2 hours, but since check-in isn't until later that afternoon, we're planning on taking our time and stopping to let Harper stretch those little toddler legs of hers. I've picked up lots of games, stickers, magnet sets for her to play with. We're hoping for the best. Ha. 

Last year, we went to Hilton Head and it was sweet seeing her in the ocean for the first time.
But we're excited to try out a new beach and see what kind of memories we can make.

I'd LOVE to hear about any must see places around Rosemary or must eat at restaurants!


So. I did some shopping this week...
I really haven't gotten many new clothes since I lost weight. I've actually been trying to wear a lot of my old clothes that finally fit again. But I wanted to get a new bathing suit or two - I love my one piece, but after two years of not feeling super confident, I wanted to try and wear a two piece (kinda scary). My sister and I did some shopping at Old Navy, Target and J. Crew and found the cutest pieces take on our trip. I kinda feel like a whole new mama. :)

A little obsessed with this one. :)


Last week and this week I shared my story about why I decided to become a Beachbody coach and eventually decided to step away from it. I felt like I was holding on to so many thoughts about the whole nine month experience for so long, but didn't have a way of sharing them until I relaunched my blog. When you are in something - like coaching for example - at the time, we have a tendency to see only the good and the great. Kinda like a bad relationship - you don't want to acknowledge that it might not be as perfect as you want it to seem. Stepping away from it was one of the hardest decisions I've made. But after finally taking a step back, having time to reflect on my experience, I was able to see not only the great things about it, but also the things that I don't like about it. And really, its not even what I don't like about Beachbody, it's what I don't like about the world of network marketing.

In no way am I trying to rip on Beachbody or coaching or other coaches for that matter.
I love the workouts, Shakeology tastes super yummy, I loved many things about my experience, I loved the coaches I worked with. But MY experience is MY experience. They are MY words to share. It's empowering to have a voice and to be able to use that voice to share truths - even if the truth doesn't paint a pretty picture.

One thing that I really learned through coaching was women empowerment.
That we have the capabilities to do ANYTHING.
Like start your own business.
I LOVE that there are women out there who love to share their story and help other people with their health and fitness. I mean, it's helped me SO much with my weight loss journey. But if we want to truly empower other women - not just with health, fitness, starting a business - it's SO important to encourage each other to let our voices be HEARD. And even though I stepped away from coaching and see the truth behind being a network marketer (yes, you're sharing your life - but your sharing your life for a paycheck even if you have the BEST of intentions), I shouldn't feel like I can't speak my mind.

Coaching isn't for me.
But I'm really excited to see other women who it is meant for.
I'm excited to see other women feel empowered, just like I felt empowered and inspired by my journey to share my honest experiences.

You can read PART ONE and PART TWO if you're interested. :)


Last weekend, we spent Saturday celebrating one of our most FAVORITE little girls!
My BFF Ashley's little girl turned THREE - I don't know how this happened - and she threw a 3iesta to celebrate. I LOVE seeing our little girls together and watching them grow up. It's the sweetest thing. Harper had an absolute blast, and she even took a few swings at the pinata! I can't wait to share more about it. But for now, nothing like a toddler in a bikini to make you smile. :)


Cody and I have been dedicating time in the evenings to spend with each other - even if it's just watching Netflix. It's easy to get wrapped up in our phones, laptop, doing stuff around the house. But it's been nice to be able to just hang out and watch TV together.

We started the newest season of OITNB, and I like it so far!
We're about three or four episodes in, so no spoilers please! Ha!
What do y'all think about it?

Hope everybody has an amazing weekend and great Father's Day with loved ones!


  1. Rosemary Beach is GORGEOUS!
    So many fun things to do and see and experience. I highly recommend you spend some time in Sundog Books :)

  2. I cannot stand coming home from a trip, wether a weekend or long trip, to a dirty home!
