
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Memorial Day

We spent this past Memorial Day with family at my mom and stepdad's house.
Even though we had fun and we celebrated, we didn't want to forget those who had given their lives in order to protect our freedoms. I never want Harper to grow up not knowing the true meaning of these days. 

With that being said, we did enjoy the day.
It rained for awhile, but eventually, the sun popped out and allowed us to hang out outside and enjoy each other's company. We had some yummy grilled food, the BEST chocolate chip cookies I've ever made (not to toot my own horn, but they were GOOD), Harper had some pool time, and she even got a trip around the yard on the lawn mower. :) The little things, am I right?

We're so thankful for the sacrifices that were made for us to enjoy days like this.


  1. Loving the new blog! Can't wait to read more and see your family grow.
    <3- Charity

  2. I completely agree with making sure our littles know the true meaning of the holiday! Looks like you guys had an amazing time. Harper is a doll.

  3. Girl you should share that cookie recipe. My husband is a HUGE chocolate fanatic and I know he'd love it.
