
Monday, June 5, 2017

Peachy Blues

Insert: Breath of fresh air.

Let me just start off by saying how GOOD it feels to get back into blogging.
I've been secretly back posting and redesigning this little space, but it's exciting to finally share my thoughts and memories again. I've truly missed it, and I kinda hate that I even stopped. Part of me feels like the worst mom ever because I even stopped blogging Harper's monthly updates. But so many memories went undocumented over the last nine months. And if you've read my blog before or know me - I love having our life documented somewhere for memory sake. 
It makes my heart just feel good.

So, the burning question - if you love it so much, why did you stop?

And the answer is...
I'm completely, 100% awful at managing time and balancing all these different parts of my life.
I'm working on it. But for the last few months, I let what I loved doing go for another dream I thought I had. 

If you follow me on social media, you can probably guess what that was.
I plan on diving pretty deep into it later this week and in future posts because it's a story and snippet of my life I really want to write about. But pretty much, I was putting all my time into one thing, and time to blog had completely disappeared. 

So now that I closed one chapter, I've opened up time in my life for something that I love doing.
And that's blogging.
Needless to say, I'm really glad to be back.

So, with that being said - I know some of my old followers are wanting to know what we've been up to here recently. (That's one thing I really love about this community - girls who truly care about one another and invest in each other's well being and families. It's the best!)

We've celebrated a lot of holidays, our sweet little girl turned ONE.
Cody and I have grown together as parents and learned that it's the hardest/best thing in the entire world. I've continued eating healthy and exercising, but have learned to have treats in moderation. We've spent some time in nearby cities, exploring. Harper was really sick and we spent five days in the hospital. She's better now. :) I finished up my first year at my new school as an EIP teacher, and moved into my new classroom before summer break. Hello, 4th grade! We've soaked up the first few days of summer and enjoyed this warm weather.
And honestly, we're just doing really good and are really, really happy. :)

So, feel free to check back on some old posts I've back blogged (is that a real word or thing??).
And I look SO forward to sharing more with y'all through this NEW space.

Welcome y'all. I'm glad to be back. :)


  1. I'm so glad your back! I've loved keeping up with you via social media, but have missed your blogs. Moving to fourth grade is exciting; I hope you enjoy it!

  2. So glad to have found your blog! I've followed you on Instagram for a while now. You post the prettiest pictures! And your blog is so fresh and pretty, too!

  3. Yay!! Welcome back :) I loved keeping up with you on social media because your little girl is just the cutest, but glad to see you back to blogging.The space is looking good!

  4. So happy to see that you're back! The blog looks great and I'm loving the new name :)

  5. I've missed your blogs! Glad you're back at it again :)
