
Friday, June 9, 2017

Our Summertime To-Do

It's summertime and the living is easy.

And that girl right there, yeah - she's been living it up.

I'm not even going to bother telling y'all how nice it is to have summer's off as a teacher. 
Because quite frankly, my non-teacher friends might give me a good ol' kick in the rear.
All I will say, it's really, really nice.
(but totally deserved after a long school year, am I right teacher friends?)

I feel like through all of the end of the school year chaos, with Harper getting sick so much over the past year, with me putting home life on the back burner - follow up post about why I quit Beachbody coming next week by the way! - I feel like our house has been held up by sticks and string. We look like we have our life together when you walk in, just don't open any cabinets or closets. Can you say JUNK CITY!? So, my hopes and goals for the summer are to get back on track, simplify our home and clean the dang thing. So come the end of July, when I'm in full on back to school mode, we won't be living in hidden junky chaos. 

But through all of the house chores, I want to make sure our time this summer is used to the MAX.
I want Harper to have fun and for us to make memories as a family. I want Cody and I to focus on our relationship. I want to visit friends and family. I want to take care of myself and grow. There's just so much to do, and if I don't write it down and set some goals, this sweet little time of year will quickly slip away and I'll be in back in the classroom before I know it.

So, I've set some goals, a to-do list if you will, to help us kick TOTAL BUTT this summer. I thought it would be fun to set it up like I did my 101 in 1,001 list - just not as lengthy. :)

Start: May 24, 2017
End: July 26, 2017

Family Fun

1. Food Truck Friday
2. Have a picnic at the park
3. Pick blueberries/black berries
4. Play in the sprinkler
5. Go on vacation - Rosemary Beach
6. Visit Babyland General
7. Take Harper to the Game Ranch
8. Have a cookout with family
9. Celebrate July 4th
10. Make cookies with Harper
11. Take Harper to have lunch with Daddy
12. Visit with Nannie
13. Go to the Farmer's Market
14. Have family pictures taken
15. Go get ice cream

Cody + Me

16. Celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary
17. Have a movie night
18. Go on TWO dates in July
19. Have a parent's night out with the besties
20. Read a book together


21. Splash pad!
22. Attend friend's birthday party
23. Have a cookout with friends
24. Play outside past bedtime (Harper's, not mine :P)


25. Workout five-six times a week (at least)
26. Eat healthy
27. Read six books
28. Take time for myself (blogging, workout out, relaxing, etc.)

Home Cleaning

28. Maintain clean kitchen
29. Pick up living room/playroom daily
30. Clean bathrooms once a week
31. Pick up Harper's room daily
32. Clean and maintain our bedroom


33. Organize kitchen cabinets + junk drawers and under sink
34. Pack away some of Harper's old toys
35. Organize foyer closet
36. Organize hall closet
37. Pack away Harper's old clothes, organize closet
38. Donate household items to Goodwill
39. Organize guest room and future playroom
40. Organize/simplify below bathroom cabinets
41. Donate old clothes, organize closets and drawers


I've kinda already knocked a few things off of this list since I posted it later than I wanted, but hey - nothing wrong with getting a little head start on our summer to-do. :) 

What's on y'all's summer bucket lists? I can't wait to here and maybe add to ours!


  1. This was my first year as a school-based SLP and having the summer off is awesome!

  2. Oh that picture of Harper is so cute! She is so joyful. I can so relate to the chaotic life and messy/unorganized house! I’ve been trying to focus on one room at a time. Yesterday I conquered our laundry room. That seems to be a catch-all area for us. Love this list and how you broke it up into categories. I hope you guys have the best (and most productive) summer!
