
Friday, July 7, 2017

Summer Vibes

We've got that summer feeling around here.
Totally one of the best parts about being a teacher is having two months off to relax and soak up life. 
And that's exactly what we've been doing here recently.
We've kept ourselves busy, but in the absolute best ways.
Summer is meant for adventure and fun, and we're nothing short of that.

We've been hanging by the pool. hiking and chasing waterfalls, playing at the park, enjoying parents night out and spending many of mornings and afternoons playing in the driveway with chalk. 
It's been so sweet, and hate to think that our mornings of no alarm clocks are coming to and end. But we have a few more weeks, and even as I start prepping for back to school, we're still going to be enjoying our favorite time of year. 

Here's what we've been up to:

S I D E W A L K  C H A L K

Harper has been quite the little artist here recently - okay, maybe more so ME, but whatevs.
The kid just loves to be outside, and she's always up for chalk scribbles. I drew a big butterfly on the ground and the plan was to have Harper lay in the middle of it, so she looked like a butterfly - you know, cheesy parental stuff. She kinda got the idea, but ever since I had her lay in her butterfly chalk art, she has to now lay and roll in everything else. Her clothes have paid the price here recently.

P O O L  P A R T Y

Harper LOVES the water.
She loved it when she was just a wee little baby, and really loved riding the waves in the Gulf.
We're really lucky that we have a pool close by - Cody's parents have their own pool, so we love hanging out up there. We had fun with his family, and I kinda was OBSESSED with Harper's swim suit. I really want one in my size. They got her the cutest little pool chair and umbrella, too! It even has her name on it. She was precious, and loved being in the water with some of her favorite people. 

P A R E N T S  N I G H T  O U T

Cody's parents' were sweet enough to watch Harpie one night so we could enjoy some time out with our best friends - even if they had no power from a super bad storm... It was funny being out together without our kiddos because even though they weren't there, we still talked about them. :P We decided to try out a new place - The Cowfish - and it was AH-MAZING. Who knew Burgushi was going to be my new favorite thing!! After dinner, we went to Mastermind Escape Games and that's where I realized that I'm not smart. Ha - kidding, but seriously, I would have been lost by myself, but the guys did really well. It was really fun having a date night out with friends and definitely something we need to try and do more regularly!

W A T  E R F A L L S

Ashley and Paul invited us on a little hike to see some waterfalls the other day, and it was so fun venturing out with the girls and doing something different! It was Harper's first "hike" but like I said, girlfriend L-O-V-E-S to be outside so it was right up her alley. She loved being with Nora, she loved picking up rocks, she loved balancing on fallen trees and big rocks, and really loved running past everybody - I think she's a little competitive... The waterfall was beautiful and totally worth the walk, and definitely something we want to do again!

S L I D E S  &  S W I N G S

My mom had the day off from work the other day, and we spent the day together at the park with Harper and finished it up with lunch and shopping for my classroom. Within the last month, I feel like Harper has really changed. All of a sudden, she can climb up the playground steps and go down the slide completely by herself. She's repeating words that I didn't think she even knew how to say, an she's just looking so darn grown up. Way more kid like than baby like. You're killing me smalls. She loves her MiMi to death, and was the happiest girl to spend her day with her outside.


What are y'all doing recently to soak up summertime? :)


  1. It looks and sounds like you guys are having the best summer! I adore Harper's little chair and umbrella. So precious! Again, so many awesome photos.

  2. Also, I would love to know what photo apps you use!
