
Thursday, July 6, 2017

July Fourth 2017

We had a great July 4th - sparklers, treats, and time with family.
Celebrating our freedom and beautiful country.
It was a good one, low key, but good. :)

I kinda felt like July 4th was celebrated A LOT this year, and I totally blame it on it being on Tuesday. Fireworks around here started the Friday before and I even heard one go off last night - on July 5th. Luckily, our child could care less about them, but I know that's not the case with everybody. Cody and I talked that pre-baby, we could have cared less about fireworks. But all weekend long we were kinda on the edge of our seats waiting for Harper to wake up from the loud booms. 
She didn't luckily.

My mom invited us over for dinner Tuesday evening and we were originally going to let Harps swim in her little pool over there, but with all the rain we've been getting, the water just hasn't warmed up. Instead we enjoyed some BBQ, mac 'n cheese, and baked beans. And had one too many no bake cookies (I'll share the recipe soon!) and popsicles. 

Like I said, the water was just really cool, so instead of swimming - Harper played with chalk - more like rolled in chalk - and helped malfunction our confetti popper instead. :) She was so busy - she always is really - and she had the best time just being outside exploring. 

If you've followed my blog for awhile, you probably know that my parents moved into my grandparents house that my grandfather built. Once my grandfather passed away, my grandmother wasn't able to stay there by herself, but we didn't want the house going to strangers. We were fortunate enough to keep the house in the family. We spent several July 4th's here when my grandparents still lived there, so it's really special for us to carry on the traditions and make new memories with Harper.

We wrapped up the evening with a quick visit from Aunt Whitney - she was able to stop by after work - which totally made Harper's day. And some fun with sparklers, too. It was a simple holiday, but a sweet one. :)

Hope everyone had a Happy Fourth! :)


  1. The confetti poppers looked like so much fun!

  2. Sounds like a great time celebrating with your family! Such a blessing that you guys were able to keep the house in the family. And as always, amazing pictures!!
