
Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Gulf | Part Two

Our first full day at the Gulf was probably my favorite day.
It was Father's Day, and to me - it was perfect.

Check out PART ONE - H E R E.

Some cute little girl dressed head to toe in beach jammies woke us up early, and we all enjoyed a yummy breakfast before getting ready to head to the beach for the morning. Our plan was to enjoy the cooler morning beach temps before it got too hot and said little girl in the cute jammies lost her mind being too hot and tired. Good plan right?

We hit the beach - which is an event in and of itself with a toddler in tow.
It ain't easy packing and carrying everything but the kitchen sink, let me tell you that.
We set up in the sand by the salty water and just enjoyed the morning. Harper didn't really know what to think of the water for awhile, she was all into the sand and playing with her toys. But the ocean was a no go a little bit.


After our morning at the beach and a nap for Harps, we went out for lunch and a walk around Alys Beach and Rosemary. It was SO hot that day, so we were really glad we went to the beach that morning instead of the afternoon. We planned on going back to the beach that evening, so it all worked out really well.

We ate lunch at Piper's Kitchen right there on 30A in Alys Beach.
Alys Beach was absolutely stunning, and Piper's Kitchen added that much more cuteness. We all tried out the tacos, except Harper who has a thing for chicken tenders. The tacos were fresh and yummy, and were perfect as a light lunch since we planned a fun - and big - Father's Day dinner that evening. We ate at the picnic tables, and were able to watch all of the bike riders and 30A sightseers. Once we wrapped up lunch, we walked around and enjoyed the scenery and some shops.

Before we made our way back to the beach that evening, we prepped some things for dinner that evening. Harper was the perfect little sous-chef helping get everything together for our Father's Day dinner.

We soaked up the last rays of the day at the beach which was the perfect ending to our first day.


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