Monday, July 3, 2017

The Gulf | Part Three

As I'm going through these pictures and putting this post together, I can't help but long to go back. Back in time with summer air, sandy toes, lazy schedules, and an actual reason for it to be 90 degrees outside. I mean, hello, it was summer. But Mother Nature - Department: Southeastern United States - hasn't clued into the fact that it's suppose to be fall. This fall break that I've been on has felt more like a hot and sticky summer break that requires a beach vacation like the one posted below. I'm pretty much demanding it at this point. I don't mind it being warm outside - because let's be honest, come January, freezing temperatures aren't going to sound appealing and I'll be complaining about that also. I'm just saying, if it's going to feel like summer, I need some ocean waves in my life. Like pronto.

Our third day at the beach was a fun one.

We set ourselves up at Inlet Beach, which was the closet beach to where we were staying right at the end of 30A. We really loved Inlet Beach since it wasn't too crowded, and the walk from where we parked wasn't exhausting - which is important when you're carrying your life savings in order to keep a toddler happy at the beach for three hours. Bonus, the sand dunes and emerald waves were beautiful. It was a win-win all around.

With news of a tropical depression hitting the Gulf halfway through our beach vacation - kinda a damper if you're wanting a tan, ya know - we hit the beach early that day before the clouds and wind rolled into the area. At this point, Harper had warmed up to the sand and water. She was totally more into the sand, but did ride some sweet waves in her floaty that brought out the cutest Harper laugh I ever did hear. The dimples were very prominent, let me tell you. She was the ultimate crusher of sandcastles this day and completely rocked her fruit-themed ensemble. 

We headed back to our condo early that afternoon to let a little miss (and maybe a few adults) take a nap before we ventured out to lunch at Seaside - aka. the dreamiest place ever for picture taking.

But before we did all that...

What's the point of having children if you can't have a little fun now and again?
I mean, really.

Luckily, she's cool enough to not let a little parent embarrassment kill her vibes.


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