
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Cookies & Milk | Halloween

Another Halloween in the books with a little munchkin in tow, and we've just come to realize that holidays are way more exciting when you get to experience it with a child. And you know what - maybe even a little more stressful, but I'm pretty sure the good outweighs the bad 99.9% of the time. 

Harper didn't quite get the meaning of Halloween, although we practiced saying "trick-or-treat" about a million and one times before the actual day of tricking and treating. Although, in toddler Harper terms it sounded more like "trick treat" with a cheesy, dimply grin. Nonetheless, we picked out a costume - mama wasn't feeling the creative juices this Halloween, so thank you Target - and Cody won the title "Dairy Dad of the Year" with his accompanying costume. *see pictures below*

I pretty much painted the perfect little picture of Harper toodling around the neighborhood with her cute little costume and sassy little boots. The pictures were going to be adorable, and maybe, just maybe - a little "trick treat" to a neighbor or two. But really, I should have known better, and maybe should have painted the complete opposite picture in my head because that's pretty much how Halloween number #2 went down. Duh, right?

The cookie costume was strongly protested - how we managed to get one picture is a complete Halloween miracle. Instead, Paw-Paw and others managed to wear the cookie while the trick-or-treating toddler rolled around on our dirty car looking more like a mechanic now than a chocolate chip cookie. And girlfriend walked right up to most houses we stopped at, knew the whole deal with opening up her bag, gladly accepting the candy, but after all that practicing of "trick treat" - our now mechanic was too shy to bother. 

But honestly, the painted picture in my head wasn't ruined.
A new picture was painted, and it was just as adorable and precious. She was happy as can be, she soaked in the moments, and really loved having her grandparents and aunt Whitney and Kevin there. She loved the pizza, chips, cupcakes, and Smarties from her candy bag for dinner. 

And although we didn't get a "trick treat" outta the girl - we did get a lot of...
"You got it duuuuuude."
Which was pretty fitting since she channeled her inner Michelle Tanner for her costume at school that day. :)

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