
Friday, November 3, 2017

Fall Break

I vote that everybody should get a Fall Break.
What do we say?

This has been my second year with a Fall Break since switching counties last year, and I have to say - it always comes at the perfect time. I SO needed a mental break from work and the everyday hustle and bustle of our norm. And more importantly, I needed some time with my blue-eyed babes. Yep, both of them. Cody planned his vacations this year to have that week off also, so we were able to knock out a few things around the house, start on a big house project, and head to the mountains for a getaway with Harps. 

Here's how it went down.

Fall Festival

We had a Fall Festival the first Friday evening of break at my school that I had to attend to for a little while, but for the rest of the time, I got to experience it with Harper. Both her grammies came - Mimi & Gigi - which was fun. She loved watching the animals in the petting zoo - of course -  time with her school bestie, Hayden, and sucked Mimi into some shaved iced.

Pumpkin Patch

I squeezed in a little bit of solo shopping, which was nice. And then we hit up one of our favorite pumpkin patches around with my family. Harper decided she wasn't all about that napping life, so by the time we ended up at the pumpkin patch, she had very strong opinions about what she wanted and didn't want to do. But hey, she looked cute, so I'll take it.

Big Girl Room

We decided to start transitioning one of our guest bedrooms into a big girl room for Harper as a birthday present. Lord knows this child has enough toys, and really - I feel like she needs a space that she can enjoy, play in, and grow with her. The thought of a second baby isn't on our radar right now, but I'd rather slowly be able to transition her into sleeping in a big girl bed and be okay if we have setbacks, rather than feeling like we're on a time frame whenever we do decide that having a second child is on our radar.

Cody and I cleaned out the room completely, painted, and set up her tepee in there over the break, bought the cutest rug ever, and let me tell you - the girl is obsessed with going in that room already.

Iced Coffee & Muffins

Ok, so confession. I don't like coffee.
Well, I thought I didn't. I even tried several times to like coffee, but couldn't make myself like it.
Until I had a craving for it over fall break. I tried to avoid it, but Cody brought me home an iced coffee one morning, and I was hooked. Hooked to the point where I had one every day. Along with an Ingles muffin, and I swear - I probably gained five pounds off of iced coffee and giant muffins.


We spent a day together as a family, and headed to the mountains for a little day trip. We had been to Helen in awhile, or at least walked around the cute little town since we got married a few years ago. We had lunch by the river, walked in and out of shops, and promised Harper an ice cream cone which she devoured. She even ate it from top to bottom, which is pretty good considering that's not how it went down the first time she had one. :)

Cody and I have a special spot we always go to up there that we've been going to since we started dating, so we decided to take Harper up there too. Harper tried to skip rocks like her daddy, but it was really just a lot of rocks plopping into the river. We ended the night with dinner at our favorite sushi place in Dahlonega too.

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