
Monday, November 6, 2017

Washington Farms

Our newest fall tradition includes a trip to Washington Farms to get a pumpkin or two before Halloween. It's the closest patch to us, and really - even if it wasn't, we would go anyway because we love it so much. 

Last year was our first time going with Harper, so we made it a priority again this year. Since last fall she was just a tiny little tot, she didn't really get the whole concept of pumpkin patching. But I was hopeful that this year she would be all about pumpkins and picking one out. That is - if she took a nap that day. 

But in true toddler form, the day you have something fun planned, all naps are strongly prohibited. And because Harper was a 'No Nap Ninja' - Harper wasn't all about that pumpkin life. She more so about that - "I do what I want when I want" life and "I don't need no stinkin' pumpkin" life. :)

She loved wandering around though, especially down the isles of the blackberry vines they have ready for summer. She liked the sunflowers too, which were beautiful again this year. 
But you know what she was all about - riding in the wheelbarrow.
Which made for some pretty good laughs and fun. 

Until next Spring, Washington Farms.
We're already counting down until strawberry season. :)

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