
Sunday, February 4, 2018

Chicken Sausage + Veggie Quinoa Bowls

I like good, healthy food like the rest of y'all.
But when it's good, healthy food that's super quick and easy, well it falls into our meal rotations on the regular. These yummy bowls kinda came together for me on a whim one day when I had a bunch of ingredients leftover and no real plan. But I'm super glad they fell into place the way they did because these quinoa bowls don't disappoint. Sometimes it ends up being a family meal or sometimes I meal prep them for almost a week of lunches. Either way, it's an easy go-to meal that I love every single time. 

I first off want to just state, that I am in NO WAY a professional - just a busy workin' mama who likes to eat good food with a few extra pounds to lose, ya feel me? So, let's keep that into consideration when chatting about this recipe, k? :) 

Typically with these bowls, I really love using apple chicken sausage because it adds a sweetness to balance the sour lime juice and spicy veggies and quinoa. When I first made these bowls, I only had baby carrots, zucchini, and frozen corn in my fridge - which is what I thew together then. I loved it so much that that's what I continued going with from then on, but you of course, can exchange whatever you like. I also really liked the colors, and I'm totally guilty of thinking pretty food just tastes better.

The best thing about making any kind of bowl is how you can swap out any ingredient you're not crazy about for something you love in return. Not crazy about quinoa? Brown rice would be great too. Not too sure about carrots or zucchini? Swap it out for veggies you like better - broccoli, grilled onions, chopped asparagus, etc. You can probably find a combination that works for you and your family!


Chicken Sausage
(There are several brands - I normally go with Aidells or Johnsonville - Apple Chicken is my fav!)
Quinoa (2/3 cup)
Baby Carrots (1/2 bag, sliced in half)
Zuchinni (3 zucchini, sliced and cut in half)
Frozen Corn (1/2 cup)
Plain Greek Yogurt
Olive Oil
Garlic Powder
Chili Powder
Red Pepper Flakes

Preheat oven to 425 degrees 
(I prefer my chicken sausage and veggies on the crispier side)
*400 degrees if you don't*

Cut veggies. Toss in a bowl with frozen corn with a little olive oil, enough just to coat. Be careful not to add too much, or they're super greasy, and nobody likes a greasy zucchini... :) Add a pinch of salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes (more if you like it spicy or omit if you don't like it spicy at all) Lay them in a single layer on a baking sheet - line the baking sheet beforehand with foil if you want a super easy cleanup - don't we all? Roast in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Check them halfway through, flip if necessary. 

Chicken Sausage 
Slice chicken sausage into quarters. Lay them in a single layer on a lightly greased baking sheet 
(line it with foil beforehand if you want easy cleanup again cause um, who doesn't...) Cook for about 16 minutes, flipping halfway in between.

While veggies and sausage are baking, heat about 2 tsp. of olive oil in a small pot over medium heat. Sprinkle in 1/4 tsp of garlic, 1/4 tsp of cumin, 1/4 tsp of chili powder and let it get a little bubbly and fragrant. About 1-2 minutes. Add 2/3 cup quinoa, stir to coat it in oil. Add 1/4 cups of water. Add a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil of high heat. Reduce heat back to medium, and simmer for about 12 minutes until water is evaporated. Remove from heat when finished.

Bowl Time
Grab a bowl and add cooked ingredients. Obviously. :)
I measure my food out to make sure I'm getting proper portions, but if you don't care about that - you fill that bowl until your little heart is content. I'll add my measurements at the bottom for those interested! Add a dollop of plain Greek yogurt (or fat free sour cream), cilantro, avocado, and a big squeeze of lime. And prepare to fall in love with a super quick and easy meal. Seriously.

I follow the 21 Day Fix meal portions - because it just works for me - but here's the breakdown of what I typically serve myself. You absolutely don't have to have the containers, you really just need measuring cups and BAM. Go you and your proper portions. You rock.

1 CUP - roasted veggies
3/4 CUP - chicken sausage (1 link of sausage is enough for me though)
1/2 CUP - quinoa (take roasted corn into consideration - it's a carb, not a veggie)
1/3 CUP - avocado
1 TBSP - plain Greek yogurt (counts as a protein)

21 Day Fix Plan: 1 R 1 Y 1 G 1 B + oil (but I have never really kept track of this, I just don't use a lot)

Let me know what y'all think if you try it!

1 comment :

  1. This bowl looks so delicious! I am going to add it to my menu for next week. Thanks so much for sharing! I bet throwing some grilled onions in here would get my husband excited about it too. I have a few extra pounds to lose and I just finished a round of Whole30 and am in that weird space where I need some more discipline to follow again and I am not sure quite what that is yet haha. Thanks for sharing!
